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Sunday 10 January 2016

A slack news day at the Express & A stride up to the Nine Ladies for me

It must be a slack news day at the Sunday Express as they splash the bad news about statins across their front page , It claims this is shock "New research" but a similar story was printed in the Daily Express in September 2015.  Once again my theory of "Everything you put in your mouth will eventually be bad for you" is highlighted - - - 

The warm wet weather is blamed for spoiling the first crop of Rhubarb, carrots and parsnips also get a mention.  Reports of fruit trees blossoming 3 months early in Kent and Yorkshire also make it into the text 
The Mail has an article aout the coming cold weather although they do say the coldest Temps will only be in Scotland and the far North of England. - - - some great pics - - - 
the http://www.xcweather.co.uk/ rain chart is showing some scattered showers just now the bigger picture shows more coming in the Atalntic so it might be squally day again 
I was taken for a birthday lunch at the Barrel on the Breton ridge yesterday, we had meant to go for a walk but the weather dictated otherwise.  
Earlier in the day i finally managed to finish proof reading my book so thats a milestone to remember from my birthday ! 
 Its cold again this morning with a stiff breeze as well! 
 not a bad looking sky on the weathercam I'm off to stride up to the Nine Ladies stone circle up on that ridge in a short while.  The forecast is for some rain today but looking at the radar it might not be with us for a while 
Enjoy the day
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