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Friday 1 January 2016

Happy New Year & Brrrrrrrrrr! its cold - - at last!

Happy New Year 

Here's the Hong Kong pic from the usual New Years Eve celebrations around the world
Just to get everyone's feet firmly back on the ground the Express starts 2016 much like many of its previous years stories with a Jab to fight Alzheimers story.  Here's a quote from the article "It will be years before such a novel treatment will come to the market" - - - The pic of the hotel fire in Dubai looks pretty scary! - - -
Ah! that more like it! 4 Inches of Snow to fall on news Years Day mind you the story is in the Express so take that as you will.  Its all being put down to "a maritime polar effect which sees colder air coming in from the Atlantic - - - Mmmmmm - - - one interesting fact in the story though is "The Met Office has revealed it (Dec 2015) has (only) been the wettest December in more than 100 years" - - -
Today's weather
OK back to the facts - - - the http://www.xcweather.co.uk/ currently shows that its only Snowing in somewhere near Inverness - - -
this more detailed view The Met O shows a pretty large blob of nastiness about to have a go at Lands End.  The current airflow is South to North at a sedate 25mph so I reckon we might not see any of that until late afternoon - -- 
 We have a pretty cold minus Temp to start the day and the sky is almost clear of cloud so its a hats a gloves morning methinks
nothing to see on the weathercam just now but I'll post later 
UPDATE 10:15
the Temp is now 0.4 the frost is still around nice and crisp. Almost no wind at all 

Enjoy the day
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