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Saturday 2 January 2016

"Another" New migrant crisis & out to New Years Lunch for us

 You would expect New Years day to be a bit of a slack news day and the Britain faces new migrant crisis story is the Express way of showing it - - - 
Bad taste i know but as soon as i saw this photo of the Pope and read the headline above it i couldn't help thinking that "The Pope had a message of hope" and it was "Yep! definitely, this nappy needs changing" - - - 
 Litter! a never ending source of irritation, especially when you live like we do in the country.  Its just about impossible to walk anywhere without seeing the odd discarded plastic bottle etc.  this article by the BBC "Littering fines set to rise to £150" gave me an insight into a factor i had never considered.  I've often thought that people will "litter" because they always think that its someone's job to pick it up.  The story however has this in it "Some people thought it was their Human Right to drop rubbish" - - - Mmmmmm - - - Pushing up the fine to £150,will it make a difference? I doubt it, and are their any stats on how many "litter fines" are issued? - - - 
This is Katie Hopkins and she writes in the Mail.  Her latest contribution is all about the fall from grace of the, now suspended MP for Rochdale Simon Danczuk .  I have read some of her column before and its always very "outspoken".  I think i might include her in the blog again! - - - as ever the reader comments at the bottom of the article are mostly ~"gems" 
the Last mornings walk of 2015 
 after the rain of the previous days it was nice for the last mornings walk of 2015 to be cold and sunny 
 just a few clouds to add a bit of contrast to the blue sky, nice colours on the hillside 
 looking over the pond off to the West are more clouds - - - nice view this one 
 up at the Golf course the moon is still visible in the morning sky 
 with the sun low in the sky this is the view South down the valley  
 down at river level this is where the Derwent and the Wye meet, the level is quite high from the recent rain
 another favourite spot for a pic along the river 
 with the sun a little higher in the sky the sheep in the meadow look to be enjoying it 
 not far to go now and when the river is at its normal levels, where the stream is joining the river from the left is a shingle beach 
final pic across the river from where i took my time lapse pics of 2012 - - - back home now for a hot brew 
 With the frosty start to 2016 the garden looked good  must cut down the zebra grass! 
completing a small job in the garden in the freezing weather yesterday i spotted this mist creeping up the valley around 10:30 
lots of grey thin cloud around, making for watery sunshine when we dropped in The Grouse for lunch, arriving in time to grab our favourite seat it wasn't long before the place was packed.  As we left some time later and with even more people arriving I commented that i hadn't seen it so full of people. 
Sally's "girl flu" has subsided to the sniffles now as i seem to have picked up a chest infection - - - not the best start to 2016 but hey ho! - - - 
the http://www.xcweather.co.uk/ wind chart is showing that the wind has veered somewhat and its almost from the East in some parts of the UK 
while their rain pic right now makes it look like its almost covering the whole of the country 
 the local Temp is up a fair bit on yesterday the rain last night added nearly half an inch to the 24hr figure! 
not much to see just yet on the weathercam, there looks to be some low cloud on the top of the Nine Ladies side of the valley 
UPDATE 08:00
lots of cloud around and there is a bit of mist/low cloud covering the top of the Nine Ladies hill.  Its looking like we might get a showery rainy day.
Enjoy the day
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