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Saturday 23 January 2016

Migrant crisis to kill off EU & Take more selfies!

The Express has a headline that once again i fail to find on their website however, this Telegraph story from yesterday carries the same warning from the French PM - - - good news or bad? - - - 
Incredible dashcam footage  of a vehicle crashing where the driver is flung from it - - - 
 Top 10 Storm Slams into US as this Sky News story covers the snowfall on the East Coast. Cited as possibly one of the 10 worst snowstorms to hit the East Coast it is already being compares to Snowmageddon in 2010 which dumped 30 inches in Washington.  - - - I'm still wondering if we might get the tail end of it a few days later unless our current"Tropical air" band can steer it away . - - - 
A light bulb under the stairs failed to switch on, you know one of those energy saving things that are supposed to last that long you can hand them down to your children in your will, but they Dont! Well i mean who keeps old receipts to march back to the shop 2 years later with a dud bulb and claim a replacement.  Anyway, it failed to light so "bulb" went on the shopping list, Sally discussed the fact that the old fashioned bulbs 
are making a comeback!! They were banned because of the electricity they wasted in heat rather than light, but new technology has been developed a bulb with a tungsten filament  which is looking like it might be in production soon.   
Wandering around Tesco after raiding Aldi i spotted the vast array of bulbs on display and there was an old fashioned shaped bulb with "Halogen Classic" as its description.
Ignoring the "Energy saving" spiralled ones with a sneer! I scoop up the "Halogen Classic" noticing the cheaper price tag but completely ignoring the "D" rating (out of A++ A+ A B C D E ) in the "Energy" chart on the side of the box.  Back home i fit it gleefully and marvel at the penetrating halogen light cascading all over the stuff under the stairs where it is situated  I really must have a chuck out under there.  I notice on the Tesco receipt that i have "A proof of purchase for my "Halogen Classic" .  Consulting the box it came in i notice it is "guaranteed" to last, "2 years of light" at an average of 2.7 hours a day.  So i shall be pinning the receipt and the box to a beam under the stairs next to the light and i have already put a reminder in my Outlook calendar to check it.  So it will be I who turns up at the Customer Service desk if in less than 2 years time clutching my dud bulb, box and receipt demanding a new one if it fails.  - - - sad really but there you go! lol - - - 
The weather yesterday was as stated very grey in the morning and didn't look to be brightening in the afternoon until i got my nose stuck into sorting some of the thousands and thousands of photographs we have.  I had determined to collect a series of photos of myself to show me through the years to give to No 1 Daughter (the elder) .  Of course as soon as i did the sun came out but i soldiered on with my list.  Hours later after stopping at various pics and smiling at the images of long gone cats and realising how brave Sally had been battling with cancer then the hideous chemo and radio therapy that left her once lovely shiny straight hair all gone only to return all frizzy,  I did however realise one thing!  I have very few photo's of myself in relation to the thousands of others, note to self  take more selfies!  and no i will not be buying one of those selfie sticks! 
Pesky mice! 
we are getting down to the last layer of firewood in front of Boris now and yesterday out to collect some i uncovered a small piece of plastic poking out between 2 logs.  I pulled it out and moved the logs to unearth a huge pile of chewed up plastic, enough to fill a normal sized "5p" shopping bag.  There was no sign of any opccupants so i can only presume LM has nabbed them or they might just have moved into the shed a couple of feet away!
The http://www.xcweather.co.uk/  chart shows its only raining up in Scotland and misty elsewhere so maybe the promise if sunshine this morning at least might be correct 
Its a little cold out but no frost and very little in the way of cloud around , here's hoping that breeze doesn't get any stronger 
Its looking good on the weathercam looking WSW at the moment so once the sun gets up i will be off to smash a few logs and add them to my wall up at the logging site 
Enjoy the day
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