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Monday 18 January 2016

More Brexit ammunition! & Pics from the past!

Another telling headline for the Express this morning, fuelling the Brexit from the EU it is in fact the same old litany that has been paraded for a couple of weeks now, but i suppose it needs to be aired regularly or voter apathy might set in - - -
 this picture fronts a story from the Metro about Sally Bourne Interiors in Muswell Hill selling bits of wood as Painted logs for £10 I sense a bit of an opportunity here! lol .  reader comments are as usual amusing, one points out that one of the logs isnt even painted and if you follow the twitter link from the pic another tweets, They'll be opening another branch soon - - -
So it snowed on Saturday night but you had to be quickly out on Sunday to get the benefit
 the garden looked pretty good in its snowy mantle
 the fish didnt seem worried at the covering but the pond isnt frozen over
nice view from the top pergola I'm heading off up to the nine ladies ridge which is just along form the highest point on the hills in the pic
 I decided to walk my usual Round Robin and also include the Nine Ladies walk as well
 the light was a bit flat to give really good pics but it was worth the walk
 from the golf course looking West Peak Tor is my next stop which is the blob on the hillside coming down from the ridge on the left of the shot
 its a steep uphill climb to get to here and the sheep around Peak Tor dont look to amused by the snow
 on the other side of the road looking South the cows look to be on the move!
 almost on the top of the ridge now and the snow is only a little thicker here than down in the valley
 it must have been a bit breezy because the trunks and branches of the trees are covered in snow here
 I'm not the first by any means at the Nine Ladies stone circle
 more snow laden trees on the summit, even here though its starting to fall to the ground
 walking through the old quarry the abandoned millstones are sharing the snow
just a small gap in the cloud cover gives the shot an altogether warmer appearance 
 on the way back down now and looking North up to the Chatsworth Estate
 down at River level the view down towards Matlock is very grey at this point
by the time i get almost to my door the signs of a thaw are evident, there's no snow on the bushes in the foreground and the "warmer" river is taking its toll of the snow on the river bank.
I'll have a drive up to the Snake Pass this morning where I imagine the snow will be much in evidence
When I visited No 1 Daughter (the elder) the other day she gave me a box of 35mm slides dated June 1965!! I pulled my old slide projector down from the attic yesterday and managed to photograph the resulting images thrown on the wall
 This was taken outside our hut in Hamala Camp Bahrain we still wore those hairy shirts in those days!
 messing about on Nayali beach near Mombassa the forces had a leave centre there in those days, probably a 5 star hotel now
down on the beach again, strange isnt it you cant remember what you had for dinner 2 days ago but i remember posing for this shot nearly 50 years ago!

 this is what passed for a selfie in 1965 i remember balancing the camera on the bottom of my bed and hitting the self timer
outside the hut again on Bahrain, ah the good old days!
 "well above" freezing this morning! I did spot fresh snow falling last night before midnight but i fear the rain came along and spoiled the show
nothing on the weathercam yet.  The day will be cloudy to start with then maybe it will thin a little later, not much in the way of precipitation according to the weather forecasters
Enjoy the day
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