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Friday 29 January 2016

VAT on food! & man up tree

The Express headline this morning looks to be a Brexit inspired one because this has long been a bone of contention that we have VAT exempt and zero rated items in our economy.  I cant see the government even thinking of falling into line on this one! - - - 
this image fronts a Metro Story about more dire weather to come this weekend this time its Storm Gertrude thats set to give us a battering with winds of 120mph and Temps down to minus 15 in Scotland.  A blast of "Polar Maritime air" is to blame and with high winds into the mix it's going to be a chilly few days 
This Sky News story  gives an idea of the severity expected from Storm Gertrude, it reports that the schools in the Northern and Western Isles of Scotland will be closed today! 
Here's a strange one although once explained it makes some sense! Recycling jobs are at risk because the slump in oil prices has meant its cheaper to make plastic from oil than using the recycled item.  Pity we are not seeing the price of fuel follow the downward trend in oil! - - - 
It was cold yesterday as the Temp dropped way below the 6c overnight that it was forecast.  Walking through the frosty grass on the way to the logging site i could see the sun high up on the other side of the valley and wondered when it would reach me. 
 i already cut down a couple of the hawthorn bushes on the right of the fallen wall in this shot 
 I'm also coming across lots of stones which have fallen from the wall and are amongst the bushes which are getting smaller as i near the gate.  The track is strangely wet but i suss out the reason by walking up to the gate.  The land to the right of the gate is higher and as the water seeps down hill the track is an easier option than flowing on down the field.  I think it will dry quickly once we get rid of all this wet weather 
 at last the sun reaches me as i tackle the larger of the bunch of trees right next to the wall in the copse.  I have laid the cut trunk on the right of the track and it can be reduced to firewood and join my new pile once i clear the ground on which it will stand 
The copse is on 2 levels and this being the higher one I'll tackle it first.  The first job though will be completed tomorrow.  I need to bring a spade and level a strip of ground about 2 feet wide all the way from the pile of wood right up to the gate to the field.  My intention is to stack the wood from the copse alongside the wall.  
On my return home Sally points through the front window at the trees across the road.  They are on the dreaded "cycle path" route and some have been earmarked for removal 
We had heard they would be removed and hoped that the view we had of the hillside from our garden would return.  Over the 20 years we have been here the trees have gradually grown and interrupted the view just to the right of our chimney in the middle of the shot 
having missed out normal lunch day we popped up to The grouse and as usual it was in full flow even as early as 12:10 .   The view from the car park was a little more in the way of calm than the Tuesday when I walked the White Edge in the wind and rain. 
returning home the man had climbed up a tree and was felling it in 3 foot lengths due to its proximity to a house boundary fence and the fact that the other way if it was felled in one go it would be tall enough to fall on the railway line and fence.   I do hope the mass of trunks to the left of his perch are going as well because they are right in the middle of our view! - - - 
 We have had a noisy windy night from the beginnings of Storm Gertrude but the Temp is still in double figures and set to remain so until dark. The wind has dropped just for the moment but is expected to be quite strong for most of the day 
nothing on the weathercam pic at the moment, i could see the moon again earlier when gaps in the cloud allowed but its lookinjg like 100% cover now.  So a windy blustery and anytime showery day is likely for us today! 
Enjoy the day 
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