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Saturday 31 December 2016

A slack day but with some good news - - - & - - - another "Arctic blast" on its way

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 
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Scotland once again gets all the attention on the rain display 
This Met O pressure display shows quite clearly why its happening with the pressure in England being greater and the 2 cold fronts keeping the rain away from us - - - 
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The current local stats show a significant rise in Temp overnight and we find ourselves on the edge of mild at the moment.  The 0.5 rain figure must have fallen quite recently because its quite damp outside just now 
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Weathercam update 10:55 
Its still a bit dull and grey but at least its mild and not raining 
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Local weather today 
Its going to be a cloudy and dry start and the cloud might break a little as the day progresses.  We might get the odd light shower during daylight but after dark the %age chance of rain will increase. 
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I'm was still not feeling too bright so yesterday was once again a slack day, good news in the morning about some possible relief made it a little brighter.  All the sitting around I'm doing caused my back to spasm so the afternoon evening night was not as comfortable as it could have been.  Strangely enough a friend of ours had suggested an odd position in bed to relieve the back pain, in desperation at around 04:30 i remembered what she'd said, tried it and it worked! lol 
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After the no-show of the last "Arctic blast " for the Christmas period the Express is forecasting another for January.  The upshot of the article is that it will get colder in early Jan and towards the middle and end of the month.   The Midlands and Eastern England are expected to take the brunt of  the bad weather which could include snow - - - 

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