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Wednesday 21 December 2016

Winter Solstice day! - - - & - - - HM hands over some of her work load

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 
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http://www.netweather.tv precipitation 
The Christmas weather is starting to appear out of the Atlantic methinks!
The Met O display shows the system well out over the pond.  It doesn't look to be too bad but i guess it could intensify as it gets closer .

Local stats at 06:45 
At 6.1 the Temp is getting just on the mild side and the Barr Tendency is setting out its stall for this morning at least i reckon
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Weathercam update 07:45 
The weathercam looks across the valley to a nice clear but very grey sky this morning, if the forecast is to believed it should be raining by lunchtime then brighten a little in the afternoon.
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Local weather today 
The Met O Is an "in and out" day This morning will be fine then clouding over and giving rain around 12:00 to 15:00 then clearing again before dark.
Yahoo weather Has us with a cloudy day and a 35% chance of precipitation and a top Temp of only 6.7c.  Winds will be variable at 7 to 14 mph.
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I just spotted this article from The Metro  Its about a storm "Barbara!, that is apparently going to "hammer Britain as we try to get home on Christmas Eve" Its obviously a slack news day at the Metro because the article is based loosely around a report from the MET O.  The article is littered with some fantastic rubbish. "gushing winds of up to 90mph" "power supplies could be damaged as people across the country try to travel en masse" "Areas of central and western Highlands are likely to get a colossal 10cm of snowfall" .  Deary me talk about "why let the truth get in the way of a good story!"
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Yesterday With the blinds for the bathroom and back bedroom arriving the previous day it was time to get them fitted.  Both blinds and the old mirror from the bathroom which now graces the landing were fitted without one expletive - - - a record! The day after that was a bit of a medical one having a telephone appointment (?!) with my doctor and a trip through the old polo mint machine (CT) at Chesterfield later in the day.  My ATA has been put on hold until the 16th of Jan, I was quite looking forward to the Christmas Eve mayhem but it isn't going to be - - -
What better photo than the one above to promote the Winter Solstice which ticks over in a few hours
I pulled this off the weathercam yesterday just as the sun was leaving the valley.  I like to watch it travel up the ridge as the seasons go by.  The right hand part of the weathercam photo is just about the Spring and Autumn equinox positions of sunset.  - - -
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The banner covers the Berlin Christmas market horror with the news the driver might still be at large.  The whole of Europe appears to be on high alert for further atrocities
HM hands over some of her patronages to the next in line! The main headline purportes to explain why MP's won't be able to block Brexit - - - the only reason they should nered is the people were given the choice and votes to leave ! - - - - 

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