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Monday 26 December 2016

A Radio 4 Christmas day for me - - - & - - - "Crazy weather" to come

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 
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The display isn't too full this morning even though it rained not long ago locally
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Local weather today 
A cold sunny day is expected with maybe the odd shower in the morning .  Over 500m the showers could fall as snow, significant accumulations are unlikely though .  
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The double figure Temps of Christmas day are replaced this morning by a clear sky 4.6c at present.  Yesterday was quite sunny at times but the rain forecast for the evening finally did arrive as the 3.1mm on the stats shows in an impressive blustery downpour.  We still have a significant breeze this morning which will make it feel quite cold today if it keeps up. 
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The long awaited Christmas dinner at the Indian restaurant just down the road was a no show for me yesterday.  Deeply disappointing as we frequently talked about it during the year.  Seeing off Sally to pick up our friends and then returning Boris to his car port later I just climbed back into bed and listened to the delights of radio 4 for most of the afternoon.  It's years since I listened to HM's speech on the radio and her theme of "inspiration" was a good choice.  
Sally's return later coincided with my getting up for a while when i watched the rise and fall of that lovely aircraft Concorde before returning to bed.  
With the forecast predicting sunshine today i am aiming to go for a short walk today come what may - - - 
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The Banner is all about how the weather is going to get cold in the next few days, we are experiencing the tail end of Storm Conor and not all forecasters fall in line with the details of the Express story 
The main headline about HM not attending the usual Christmas day church service is a bit of old news no doubt the hacks will be up to speed tomorrow - - - 

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