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Sunday 18 December 2016

No Overtime Christmas week - - - & - - - Brexit blamed for rise in Christmas spending

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 
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The animation shows the blobs or rain coming from the North are thinning out as they move toward us.  The forecasts are indicating none of it will reach our location. 
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Pretty cold at just below 2c this morning I cant see any of the forecast fog and mist outside but sometimes it develops as the dawn hits us 
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weathercam update 08:20 
The mist is swirling around in the valley now that the weathercam has a good view.  It doesn't look as if i's going to get as bad a the forecast is indicating though - - - 
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Today's local forecast 
The Met O Peak District  Has us with mist and fog until lunchtime before some sunny periods might develop with a max Temp at 8c.  When darkness returns so will the fog 
Yahoo Weather  Is predicting a cloudy day with a max Temp of 6.7c and winds variable at 4 to 7mph 
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Not really relishing a full shift at the ATA yesterday I waved off Sally and her sister who were off visiting Pater with a touch of gloom about me early yesterday .  Having not been my usual 100% for a while now i wandered into the facility nodding and smiling with the usual ribald comments with colleagues as i threaded my way through the already packed warehouse.  
The morning was OK and the usual tiredness after a couple of hours was staved off with a belt of energy drink and half a mars bar. Lunchtime couldn't come fast enough and sitting at home munching the already prepared sandwiches, another mars bar and lots of liquid I drove back to work.  The afternoon part of the shift was much easier and as it progressed i felt much better.  I saw our department boss going into the "head's" office and when he came out, I along with others in the department were told that the extra shifts lined up for next week had been cancelled - - ? - -.  For some it would have been much needed extra cash,  for me, a bit of a relief! .  I now only have to endure a few hours on Thursday and a full shift Christmas Eve before the facility gets back to normal. 
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There's free wrapping paper and tsum tsum toys (?) in the banners 
 And the usual Christmas credit card indulgence is now being blamed on Brexit, no doubt the "buy in haste repent in leisure" legions will blame Brexit as well in January when the bills turn up.  
The Mail is covering a story about how Foreign Aid goes amiss, about time to! i hear from the gallery! Being a an old cynic its not hard to spot that a lot of money set aside as foreign aid never gets to anyone needing it, is it?  - - - Having been at the other end of the aid trail where the distribution of that aid is the main aim there are always the local "entrepreneurs" who get their cut or all of the aid in some places.  Only the other day i was growing tired of the endless adverts for £2 a month from the mouths of some minor celeb and it prompted a discussion of,  do people realise how much of their £2 actually gets to the pathetic faces staring at them from the TV.  

Hackles up! 
"The Community Secretary" said the oath would cover elected officials, civil servants and council workers! It strikes me that if anyone other than the said secretary, with a name like,  Mr Sajid Javid had fronted this the Anti Racists lobby would be howling outside No 10 for days - - - toooo little and far toooo late - - - 

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