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Thursday 1 December 2016

A Sign Of The Times (in more ways than one) - - - & - - - Win an adult colouring book (the mind boggles!)

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 
Dont forget to check out this great book on Amazon Kindle Books
Once again hardly a blob on the radar display but it has been raining a little, locally overnight 
After a couple of really cold days we have a jump in the temp courtesy of the overnight cloudy conditions,  7.3c is almost mild this morning.
just about getting enough light now (07:25) to show up the heavy cloud cover which I imagine will be a feature of today 
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This was the cloud moving in just asw it got dark last night 

Local weather forecast 
While less cold than recent days, this is likely to come at the expense of brightness, with an extensive cloud layer from around 300 metres to just above the highest ground. This will be most extensive and persistent over northwest-facing ground, with southeastern areas most prone to some breaks and sunny intervals. Care should be taken as winds may reach 25mph northwesterly in this cloud layer.
Visibility: Moderate or good. Very poor in hill fog.
Hill Fog: Extensive down to 300 metres at times on windward slopes.
Max wind above 400m: Northwesterly 25mph.
Temperature: Valleys: Zero becoming plus 9 Celsius.  600m: Plus 3 Celsius.

Freezing level: Above the peaks.
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Yahoo weather: Today - Cloudy with a high of 45 °F (7.2 °C). Winds variable at 2 to 7 mph (3.2 to 11.3 kph).
Tonight - Mostly cloudy. Winds variable at 2 to 7 mph (3.2 to 11.3 kph). The overnight low will be 38 °F (3.3 °C).
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Yesterday was a bit of an appointments day with the end result that I find myself now on a blood pressure tablet a day!  I think its been a long time coming because in the last 10 years every-time its been taken there's been a furrowing of the eyebrows by the taker and a quote of "well its a little bit high" .  I'm also a little anaemic so its off to the clinic next week to let them have a go at me.  Hopefully when that malady is sorted i only have one more concern to go and will stride into the new year like a "Greek god" - - - well, maybe not, but less of a knackered old fart than i am now! 
Its a full day at the ATA rather than the normal Thursday 5 hour shift which will I'm sure bring a few challenges! 
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LM on Toms cushion last night, as I have said before he wouldn't even sit on for years,  now he uses it all the time, a relaxed cat or what! 
One of the local Robins was really trying to monopolise the bird table yesterday numerous times the motion detector picked him up feeding 

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A Sign Of The Times 

The following passage was read out at the funeral of Sally's Uncle Charlie recently. It shines a light on the wonderful and fulfilling life he lead in and around the village of Catfield in Norfolk
The following are notes about Charlie's school-day memories beginning in September 1927 when he started school aged 5.

With My elder sisters Kitty & Gladys I was off to school meeting up with Madeline Riches & David Newman at the corner of Wood Street, a year later joined by my younger brother George plus Mary & Norah Burton from Longmoor Farm.
On reaching school we waited in the playground until teacher rang a large handbell and we went in and the register was marked followed by a hymn,a prayer and a 20 minute scripture lesson.Then we had exercises in the playground and as we grew older would have 4 teams,red blue,green and yellow to compete with each other.
Numbers from Wood Street increased over the years with Doris & Joan Burton,Wally Daniels,George Hawks,Derek Platford,Gillian Cooke,Daphne Stimpson,Ada George,Burt Haines,Bob Easter & Gordon Thompson.
The teachers were extra special.Miss Drake the infant teacher was a lovely lady,strict but very kind.I can remember Miss Curtis from Horning,Miss Tooley from Stalham,Miss Grimes from Ludham & Miss Woods from Horning.We loved them all.Then there was the headmistress
Mrs Bachelor.She was brilliant the best in Norfolk! She always knew what to do and was in complete control at all times.
Miss Drake was keen on dancing so we had dancing lessons,lots of fun and helped our discipline.
Then there was the nurse.We knew her as the nit nurse and she examined our hands and our hair for lice.
The dentist would come and inspect our teeth and about a week later he returned with a horse drawn caravan and put our teeth right.
The coal came by horse and cart from Mr Riches who was a coal & corn merchant at Catfield Staithe.
During this time we took part in more outdoor activities.We played football in the field opposite the school and the girls played netball and hopscotch.
In the autumn we played conkers as there were plenty of horse chestnuts
We collected acorns to use in pop guns made from elder trees.I think we the pusher was made from holly.
We boys from Wood Street made our own bows and arrows.I cannot remember the wood we used for the bows,but the arrows were made from reed with the pith from the elder tree as arrow heads and ordinary string on the bow.
We made whistles using ashwood.
It was going to and from school that we learnt about wild flowers and the hedgerows.We would find birds nests and take one egg from each,blow it and collect on a piece of string.
Catfield was known for its fruit growing especially black currants and strawberries and we could all earn pocket money picking them.
I remember 2 special occasions at Catfield school.The first is when we all went out into the playground when the ill fated R 111 airship flew over in 1930.
The second was the map of the world on the classroom wall when we traced the daily flight of Allcock & Brown making the first flight from England to Australia.

Sad that today the "large handbell", a feature of my own infant schooldays is no longer rung because "it is too loud and upsets the children" (taken from a recent news  article and blogged by me).  And, the thought of schoolchildren "playing with conkers, pop guns and bows and arrows" would cause the health and safety executive to have kittens.  - - - Ah the good old days - - - modern kids won't even understand what any of the above are in a few years time - - - sad 

The banners let you have a chance to "win an adult colouring book" just let your imagination run riot on the description for a while - - the other banner for a £1 i just can't make it out? 
The "revelation" that Arthritis Pain is Linked to the Weather" will surprise no-one I imagine.  People with it have been saying it for years ! 
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OK OK everyone's entitled to their opinion and someone has seen fit to set up a petition to change the new fiver because it has a trace of tallow in its construction.  But to say that its not fit for vegans  has got to be ridiculous  that's my opinion! 
Stranger still! the man above who has his own business with his son was fined £200 for not displaying a no smoking sign  in his own van because its a work van.  - - - Neither he nor his son smoke !? - - - 

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