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Sunday 31 July 2016

A guard on the fatball feeder confuses the magpie's - - - & - - - OAP pension cuts on the way?

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 


Hardly any rain on the Netweather.TV display this morning which follows the forecasters in suggesting we might get some sunshine today
 A reasonable double figure Temp to start the day
The forecast is for sunny periods to day but the cloud needs to break up quite a bit at the moment to make that a reality 

Our peaches are looking like they might be ripe soon   
I spotted this cup fungus growing on a breeze block i wonder what its feeding on? - - - 
 The view at the lunch stop was pretty good yesterday 
as i left the clouds looked to be clearing away 
by the time i got back home the sun was really revving up 
watching the magpie's demolish the fatballs each day i wondered if putting a guard around the bottom of the feeder might stop them but still allow the smaller birds access to the food 

This magpie looks a little confused about why it cant get at the fatballs and even has a go at removing the guard 
This one just gives up and goes for the peanuts 

The banner has 5k of free cinema tickets 
The main Express story is about the Govs plan to dispense with the "triple lock" scheme that has protected OAP pension increases 
The Mail has an astonishing story on its front page about men giving birth - - - 

Free falling 25000 feet isn't good enough for this bloke he does it without a chute and lands in a net 100ft square - - -  

Saturday 30 July 2016

Sweet Peas all the same colour - - - & - - - Plastic bag victory

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 

Nothing much on the Netweather.TV display this morning 

Locally there is the odd blob but is not looking like anything will reach this far inland
 Warm and sunny this morning with just a light breeze
great looking photo on the weathercam.  Forecasters are indicating a fine day but still with the chance of the odd shower after 10:00 .

Sally's sweet peas all appear to be purple and the Nasturtiums are trying to join the peas up the poles.  We were looking at them yesterday and we usually get a good show but this year they are fantastic.


The banners offer free milk and a health lottery ticket 
The front page is already out of date because the missing "star" has turned up alive and well 

The Mail throws its weight behind telling everyone its "campaign" to reduce plastic bag use has been a success.  Charge money for something that used to be free and your on a loser or in the Mail's case a winner 

Friday 29 July 2016

Ladybower walk yesterday - - - & - - - TM the PM promises us "The best EU deal"

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 

Not too much rain nationally on the Netweather.TV display 

Locally the rain looks to be missing us at the moment

Stats right now 
 Very warm out with the 16c Temp.  With the rain threatening it might get rather humid later 
The weathercam looks a little grey and the clouds arriving now look threatening! - - Met O says light rain until lunchtime then sunny periods, Metcheck says light rain until 18:00 then sunny periods 
We decided to walk in the Hope Valley round part of the Ladybower reservoir yesterday. Its a 6 mile flattish walk and takes a little over 2 hours 
 its a pleasant walk with some great views to the surrounding hills 
 parking in one of the free car parks we set off wit the weather fine 
 the track has been improved in the last few years, it used to be quite muddy but now has a firm base 
 Ashopton viaduct ahead means we are almost half way round 
 lots of Canada Geese around this time of year   
 a view from the viaduct back up the reservoir 
 the clouds look a little menacing upwind!  
 there are seats at various points on the walk most dedicated to former walkers.  This one is interesting try googling the name   
It isnt long before the rain catches up to us with about 25 minutes to go.  It isn't too heavy and we make it back to the van only getting a little soggy 


The banners still have the Goodwood exposure and a story about old folks keeping on working 
 The main Express headline comes from TM the Pm and is a bold statement about getting the best EU deal for the UK - - - 
The Mail gives the NHS a kicking over denying cataract surgery to the public and Chis Evans is cleared over a sex assault claim - - - 

Thursday 28 July 2016

The book is about done! - - - & - - - Business is booming after Brexit vote

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 

 the Netweather.TV display has a big blob of rain coming ashore just now but the direction its travelling is indicating it will pass well to the North of us
locally, we are clear at the moment and unless the stuff out to the west forms up we might only get light showers later
 just into double figures on the Temp this morning which is cool after the last few days, no breeze to speak of right now
Quite a cloudy start to the weathercam view but they are thin and not threatening rain just yet.  Weather forecasters for today are split about whats going to happen.  Met O are convincing us it will rain heavily while Metcheck are more conservative and only give chance of any heavy rain mid afternoon 
 managed a whole day, just about on the book yesterday and it has to be said that apart from corrections to the kindle formatted copy THE BOOK IS DONE! 
Red sky in the morning and all that 
this was taken about 05:20  
 with some great illumination of the low cloud form the rising sun  
 lets hope the red sky rhyme is incorrect today 
and one from the weathercam at the same time 


There's still a free Goodwood bet on the banners joined by another cure for Alzheimer's - - - 
 the main headline is about how the UK economy is already bouncing back after the doom and gloom of the remainers following the referendum.  OK you can make a story say anything but some of the facts in the article ring true - - - 
A rather more worrying story about terror suspects graces the Mail front page 

Wednesday 27 July 2016

The Indian Bean Tree is planted - - - & - - - More migrants headed our way

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 

 A nice bit of rain on the Netweather.TV display this morning. We must have had this blob around 04:30 when it left us just 1mm
the local picture is looking like we will be in for more rain shortly
 very warm at the moment and quite humid also.
the weathercam shows the low cloud, or it might even be rain sweeping into the valley from the SW right now .  The "seaweed" indicates that there is a bit of a breeze around, it looked to be stronger earlier.  Even with all this rain stuff about both the Met O and Metcheck are telling us the afternoon will be sunny - - -

We discussed even planting the Indian Bean Tree (Catalpa bignonioides "Aurea") in the base of the pergola and having to make a hole in the decking for it.
 in the end we decided it would restrict how much room we had on the decking
 so it went just in front on the corner of the decking.  We even managed to not disturb the nasturtiums
Its meant to grow to 5 metres in 20 years - - - might just see that  lol!


The banners are pushing a free Goodwood bet and advice about inheritance tax 
 The main story is warning of another migrant surge - - - makes you wonder why we dont just say "you are not coming into the UK"  - - - and why are we still even considering EU rules when we voted to come out of the damn thing.  The story about the murdered priest in France is rather troubling  
The Mail gives its main headline over to the murdered French priest story.  Another tragedy you can park firmly in the hands of the "freedom of movement" camp of the EU - - - 
Negative interest rates?  I cant see that being popular! might be time to move some money around - - -