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Thursday 17 November 2016

A great Round Robin Rainbow walk yesterday - - - & - - - Prof John Curtis thinks I'm "uneducated"

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 
Dont forget to check out this great book on Amazon Kindle Books
http://www.netweather.tv precipitation display
The display has some great rain blobs on it this morning and we should see some rain during the day
The Met O wider picture has the huge blob coming out of the Atlantic makes me think we are in for a bumpy ride"
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Update 11:40 
We are just on tghe edge of this huge blob of a rain front - - - could be a soggy lunchtime !!
Update 12:35
briliant downpour at the moment !
Update 12:45 
Sunny now.  Dont you just love our english weather !
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 Live Weather Stats Now 
 pretty cool out this morning due to the, as yet clear skies.  Some overnight cloud stopped it getting colder  I reckon the breeze will play its part in todays weather
A nice view across the valley from the weathercam this morning with just the smallest amount of cloud at the position of the winter soltice sunset position on the nine ladies ridge.  The large bright moon we have at present is just out of shot on the top right hand corner
this is a shot from last night after the sun left the valley and some of the night cloud is moving in

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Today's local weather forecast 
Today the Met O is forecasting a heavy shower day through until 18:00 when its going to be colder ans some sleet and/or snow could be on higher elevations. Top Temp is likely to be 8c with winds around 30 - 35 mph.
Yahoo weather agree with the wet day forecast with a 70% chance of rain but their top Temp is only 6c with winds around 11 to 18 mph.
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Yesterday i pottered at a couple of Bathroom project jobs filling in the yawning chasm left by putting the shower waste pipe through the 2ft thick walls.  The large hole had already been done years ago so in effect it helped me in my challenge.  The outside is now sealed and re-mortared and the inside will be filled with some expanding foam.  A trickier job was to fit the covers on the outlets through the studding and wall coverings for the shower.   Careful use of the hacksaw  file and sealant finished the job off enough to pass muster.
Earlier in the day i had relished my first walk in a week at my Round Robin local walk - - - to a nice surprise!
 early on in the walk i noticed the rainbow
 great view of the sun on the nine ladies hill
 the wind was coming form behind me but the weather was coming straight at me so the curtain of rain on the weather front produced the rainbow.  This shot with Peak Tor in looks cool
the rainbow arc was complete so here's the other half of it pointing down into the  Chatsworth Estate
 Another Peak Tor shot
 Almost at the highest elevation of the walk towards the SW all the colors are brilliantly lit by the sunshine as i pass through Tinkersley hamlet
 odd looking sheep cant say i have seen this breed before
the rainbow is still in view as i pass the new pond
 just before entering the woods another well lit hillside

 a shot down through the felled portion of the woods.  I did see a fire on the bottom edge of the wood the other day but think it was just the forresters removing some of the previous years felled wood
 the larch needles have even covered the other fallen leaves up here

 The view from the golf course also shows off the sunlit valley below
downhill now and at the gate the view off to the South shows how low the sun is in the sky at this time of year
 just before the river path the rainbow is still evident
 some rain recently has upped the levels a bit in the Derwent and Wye as can be seen here at their confluence
quite a wide but of the track here but on the narrower parts it is hardly discernable because of the leaves
looking back up to the Hardwick Estate the rainy weather looks now to be receding
 the meadow view sits in the sunshine, i bet the sheep are enjoying it
 my spot for taking the ransom photos is buried under all these leaves now
I like this shot best from the walk the lovely leaf colours on the trees as well as the outfall stones and the sun trying hard to warm things up
the usual last look across the river up to the hidden quarry and the nine ladies hill.  Time to get home and do a bit of work !
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The Express must be on a slack news day by telling us something we already know! Migrants seem to be the crux of the story - - - Just Do It! - - - 
This is Prof John Curtis who reckons Brexit polls got it wrong because they underestimated the way the "uneducated" would vote - - - Mmmmm glad that i was one of the "uneducated" then! 

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