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Wednesday 30 November 2016

Frosty Balloon photo - - - & - - - Now Coffee is good for you

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 
Dont forget to check out this great book on Amazon Kindle Books
Once again today there is very little in the way of rain/snow on the display apart from the blobs up in Scotland 
Another cold morning brings with it my usual cold shot of the data from my old weather station, it will recover soon .  A secondary model tells me its -4.4 C and likely to get a shade colder before its fully light.
Update 07:16 
 the machine gets its act together and produces the data with a -4.2 C
The weathercam view is just about picking out the forecast cloud cover after what must have been a clear night to produce the frost this morning 
= == = 
Its strange that my first ever weather recorder, an ageing Flink that just has a Temp sensor outside i had set to record Fahrenheit not long ago.  I just changed it back to centigrade because apart from 32 F being zero i couldn't relate to any of the other F figure readings? - - -   

 Local weather forecast 
Met O: A very cold start to the day with a widespread frost at first. Rather cloudier skies extending from the north by daybreak, will persist across the park through the day, although some bright or sunny intervals are still likely, more especially in the east of the park. However, it should remain dry.
Visibility: Generally good or very good but possibly very poor in any isolated hill fog patches.
Hill Fog: Isolated patches possible across the highest tops during the afternoon.
Max wind above 400m: Westerly 20-25mph, gusts 30-35mph later.
Temperature: Valleys:Minus 3 Celsius rising Plus 6 Celsius
600m:Plus 2 degrees Celsius.
Freezing level: Near the surface at first, otherwise just above summits.

Yahoo: Today - Cloudy with a high of 44 °F (6.7 °C). Winds variable at 2 to 9 mph (3.2 to 14.5 kph).
Tonight - Mostly cloudy. Winds variable at 7 to 9 mph (11.3 to 14.5 kph). The overnight low will be 38 °F (3.3 °C).

= == = 
Yesterday we managed to complete a couple of small jobs on the bathroom project before dashing around like there was no tomorrow completing other tasks.  Returning from one of my excursions i spotted from some way off a hot air balloon around where the Derwent and Wye rivers join.  On my way down into the valley i stopped to take a photo 
 it had moved little since i spotted it and with the frosty morning and clear skies it looked fantastic
 and a landscape shot
 unfortunately my ageing iPhone 4 doesn't take a zoomed shot very well.
The afternoon was also sunny so we took the opportunity to wrap up and sit in the top greenhouse and sip a glass of wine 
the weathercam view shows how low the sun was in the sky and it wasn't long before the Temp took a dive as it left the valley 
LM thought it was highly amusing that we were sat in the greenhouse as he perched on the pergola with a "what you doing? expression . 
= == = 
The Express banners have an advent calendar for a fiver as well as a £50 Christmas tree dinner service set for £50 - - - 
The main headline has us believing that coffee is now good to fight off dementia while TM the PM stares out at us as she "gets massive Brexit boost" i saw elsewhere that Mrs Merkel is blocking the PM's exit plans so all might not be as rosy as its made out to be - - - 

Tuesday 29 November 2016

C C Cold ! - - - & - - - A Skating Goat!

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 
Dont forget to check out this great book on Amazon Kindle Books
The only precipitation, probably snow, is up in Scotland today.  
 As usual earlier my old weather station lost all the data and i had just dashes instead of figures on the display.  It has recovered now and at -5.6c that by our standards is C C Cold. 
On the weathercam with the sun yet to make its presence felt its a clear day and hopefully it will be one of those bright sunny ones. 
This road cam shot from Finland with its snow and -10c air temp this morning rather puts things into perspective! 
= == = 

Local weather forecast today 
Met O  A cold start with a widespread, locally severe frost and some freezing fog patches in the valleys. This will gradually lift to leave another fine and dry day with plenty of sunshine despite the cold temperatures. Clear skies in the evening will lead to another frost developing.
Visibility Very good or excellent, falling very poor in valley fog.
Hill Fog Nil.
Max wind above 400m Variable 10mph.
Temperature Valleys:Minus 5 rising Plus 6 Celsius
600m: Zero Celsius rising Plus 2 Celsius
Freezing level:Near the surface at first, rising above the summits later.
= == = 
Yahoo Weather: Today - Sunny with a high of 38 °F (3.3 °C). Winds variable.
Tonight - Clear. Winds variable at 4 to 7 mph (6.4 to 11.3 kph). The overnight low will be 29 °F (-1.7 °C).
= == = 
 The prediction of a cold night looked likely   
as i snapped these couple of photos as it got dark last night from the weathercam 
= == = 
Yesterday was a bathroom project day and it went well allowing for a couple of unexpected challenges it is wending its way inexorably to be finished in the near future.  
It is my sad duty to report however that Aldi bathroom fresh air spray will never make it as a deodorant! After shaving and revelling in our new shower I dried myself and searched amongst the debris on the windowsill  which has some of the contents of the recently removed wall cabinet on it. Picking up a spray "deodorant" tin i casually made my underarm a soggy mess, instantly recognising that, this was not deodorant.  
The search for deodorant continued and passed WD40 and gap filler tins before i gave up and used Sally's roll on! - - - 
 Great shot across the river yesterday just before starting on the bathroom 
Sally looks to be praying but she is only helping sort out a problem with our friend Sharon's gas meter.  This could only be a "woman's task!"  because she is also on the phone to the gas company - - -multi tasking is not a mans thing!  
= == = 
  Cats never tire of playing do they? I'm not sure what LM thinks is under there but he spent a good 5 minutes throwing the mat around not long ago 
He would get underneath it and if i touched the outside he would go bananas trying to grab my hand! 

My attention has been focused on the bathroom project for a while now but i have finally started playing around again with the computer in my man cave shed,
Yes Yes i know its strange to have a computer in your shed but there we are.  I put it in there primarily to hitch up a couple of cameras to it.  One would look down the side of Boris and coupled with a floodlight catch any attempts to steal or interfere with him at night.  The other would look up the garden.  
The computer developed a problem when a windows error kept coming up and a dialogue box would appear, eventually the machine would stop working.  I sussed the problem to be that the error was not just popping up once but would replicate itself until the memory was exhausted then the machine would fall over and die.  Looking into the error it was a windows .exe application that kept coming up.  I gingerly found it deep inside the Rundll32 folder and renamed it, hoping this would resolve the problem and not cause any untoward further windows error.  I think the app is something to do with the Net.Framework stuff which helps your applications work.  It seemed to work OK for the rest of the day - - - only time will tell - - - 
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News stories 
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With the meteorological winter beginning on Thursday its only fitting that the weather has suddenly got colder. This story from the Metro  amongst others tells us its going to be cold this week.  - - - good photos and a great very short video of a skating goat !  - - - 
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The banners on the Express have tricks to beat Diabetes a book about bread for a fiver 
the main story turns the cold snap into a health warning and a couple of comedians appear in a photo indicating they will make Britain great again - - - 

Monday 28 November 2016

Good old Tom - - - & - - - Retire at 70 on the cards

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 
Dont forget to check out this great book on Amazon Kindle Books
MET O rain view 
The Met O rain view has some blobs on it but even going forward 1 hour most of them dissipate.  So maybe another dry day? 
With a hint of it getting colder we beat the 5 point something Temps of recent days! 
07:10 Dawn struggling up now and half and half cloud and clear this morning  as the temp has dropped to 2.7 from the one recorded just about half an hour ago.  
= == = 
Local weather today 
Dry and cloudy at first, then sunny spells developing this afternoon. However, it will remain chilly. The cold feel will be enhanced by the brisk easterly wind, with a top temp of 5 falling to zero later "unusual for daytime" winds above 400m will be 30 becoming 20 mph later. 
Yahoo weather has:  Today - Partly cloudy with a high of 43 °F (6.1 °C). Winds variable at 2 to 9 mph (3.2 to 14.5 kph).
Tonight - Clear. Winds variable. The overnight low will be 28 °F (-2.2 
 = == = 
This Mail story  backs up the Express headline below with a warning we might have the coldest night in Britain.  The truth is there might be band of cloud in the North of the country that might limit the dramatic plunge in the overnight temp.  The story does however mention -5c for the west midlands and thats not too far away - - - 
= = = = = = = 
Yesterday, finally my duvet arrived, yes on a Sunday, after checking early in the morning on the Yodel site to see it was still in the Alfreton depot i was surprised when Sally mentions later that its "out for delivery", and surely enough at 12:35 it was delivered! 
I was once again beavering away in the bathroom sorting out the studding return behind the loo.  This has been bar far the biggest challenge of the project and one we will be glad to see the back of when the cladding panels finally go up.  We are planning to do this before the rest of the walls hoping that it will be a case of, the most challenging bit first! - - - 
I had been out early in the morning to feed the fish and birds and as usual popped into the lower greenhouse to see how the delicate garden pot plants were fairing.  
We had moved the bird food into that greenhouse not long ago because of the rat visitation in the upper one. 
 i noticed some sunflower seed husks on the floor behind the bags
sure enough a mouse had discovered the "prize" and nibbled a small hole in the bag!  A plan to move them, into a spare dustbin is afoot! 
= == = 
I started the day with a bit of a Round Robin walk 
 looking up towards Peak Tor i mused that it is far too warm for the time of year, the current reports in the papers might make me eat my words ! 
 I must have walked this route a thousand times but its beauty and the views always make me pause and take them in
 its a grey day view from almost the highest point on the walk
 as i reach it and the pond some of the cloud is breaking up, as forecast 
 at the golf course looking up the valley toward Haddon gaps in the cloud look promising for later with a patch of sunshine on the hillside at the far right of the photo
 even the view to the South is brightening up
 the ducks on the Wye look like they are gathered for a conference.  Its unusual to see so many together in this backwater 
 my usual cross river view by the pine tree looks good
 Looking across the river to the meadow i catch a solitary crow flying by
 kicking the leaf cover i find my marker for the spring and summer Ransom photos.  The leaf cover on the area is quite significant now
the river level has fallen a little as can be seen in the exposure of the outfall debris from the stream, i ponder, does the stream have a name? 
finally a view over the river, those leaves on the left are hanging on grimly now, to the meadow and the nine ladies hill before returning home for a cuppa. 
 = == =
just one more job for Sunday
 we have had 3 small bags of daffodil bulbs in the lower greenhouse for a while and planned to put them in yesterday.  In the gathering gloom of late afternoon we quickly dug a couple of trenches and got them in the ground before they start to grow in the bags! 
Sally's shot of the garden has a green theme on the left and a definite dead zebra grass straw colour on the right, might get a decent frost photo tomorrow! 
= == = 
Finally today is the anniversary date of Tom's death.  We have had many cats and they all have their individual characters but a special place in my heart will always be reserved for Tom 
 He was a stray who turned up on Christmas day 1996 and moved in with our other 2 cats not long after.  We had him many many years and he was the guardian of the local patch, to which his raggy ears and many visits to the vets with war wounds can confirm.  We were around thankfully when he suffered some kind of stroke and I held him as the visiting vet put him to sleep.  "Good old Tom" - - - 
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The papers  
The banners have Harry in a castro tribute dispute and a warning that Britain will be colder than Iceland, it is winter though! 
The pension shock story focuses around the retirement age being hiked to 70  like we haven't sen that coming foe a long time - - - the talk ovber the past years surely makes everyone realise that 3 into 2 wont go on the OAP pot question - - - 
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While most "experts" were looking the other way, to Iceland, a huge volcano in Mexico blows its top  - - - cool photos - - - 