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Friday 11 March 2016

Washing powder for men! & cold wet muddy logging

Must be a slack news day as the Express leads us by the nose to believe another health "revelation" The health drink "with nutrients" in the focus is reported to have shown that people taking it in a trial had 38.7% less brain shrinkage than others who had the drink but not the nutrients.  - - - no doubt Mikes law of anything put in you mouth will eventually come into play and in the end it will prove to be "bad for you"- - - 
Interesting banner headline!? never really trusting what any A of C might say it does have a ring of "common sense" about it.  
just saw this - - -Advertisement? for what? cologne, shoe polish?   No its Washing powder for men - - - come on "you cannot be serious!" - - - 
 I determined that a little logging was in order yesterday.  It was cold it was wet and it was muddy! 
 I'd forgotten how much rain had actually fallen the previous 2 days and spent a couple of hours sploshing up and down the little track in the mud.  I got rid of 3 small trees though which are the last up against the fallen wall apart from the ones up near the gate where i will need help to stop them falling onto the gate/fence 
 with spring around the corner i had a long look at the bigger trees in the copse and decided that i will drop 3 before the sap rises and the leaves begin to show
this one in particular looks as if it will give up a fair amount of firewood.  Once they are down i will go back to clearing the smaller ones just behind my growing pile of firewood up against the wall before tackling the felled ones in spring & summer 
LM makes some good use of the new filter box.  The box however is probably more use than the filter although that's probably a little harsh.  The design is sound but even with a "slow" pump putting in the water its now starting to drip from around the top of the box.  I think this is because the filter sponges are actually trapping the gunk as they are meant to so the water is backing up a bit.  I did read the reviews (not early enough!)and this looks to be a common problem.  Another suggests the UV light didnt work but a quick plug in yesterday produced a glow so i guess thats ok.  Its looking more likely that the old cylindrical filter might be switched back on - - - 
 Its cold again this morning but the night looks to have been devoid of any rain 
the "seaweed" doesn't have a "fog" setting but the weathercam pic shows its around this morning.  Yesterday i consulted the Metcheck hourly forecast before going logging and it said no chance of rain.  Now the hourly forecast is proudly pushed as being "more accurate" than their normal 3 hour display.  As i stepped out of the house it was raining and carried on for some time!  

Enjoy the day
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