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Saturday 26 March 2016

More Brexit glee & Stand by for Katie to visit

The story on the front of the Express leads us to believe Business leaders want out of EU  but not long ago it was completely the opposite that graced the front page, hey ho at least Brexit will be delighted - - - 
I wondered when the papers would pick up Storm Katie  which has been a hot topic on Metcheck since last Wednesday.  In typical "media" language the Mirror has this story which warns of 70mph winds, power cuts and "big waves" - - - ah the power of the press insight.  Certainly today will be the opening shots across our bows but Katie looks to be saving her best for Monday - - - 
Having intended to play around with the pumps for the pond filters we became distracted by the sunshine early on yesterday.  I need to give Boris his springtime underbody spray so out came the pressure washer with me explaining that i would wash him down one day and use the underbody spray the next 
As i assembled the bits it came to me that we could wash off the gunk from our pergolas and decking as well.  The Boris job takes ten minutes the decking etc took ages.  
The washer makes slow progress along each board so it does take some time. A couple of times i took to the yard brush as Sally wet down the boards.  It does look a lot better but my my does it take forever! 
We then sat on said decking and enjoyed the sunshine kicking around ideas for and reminiscing over holidays 
Deciding it was time to go in and eatch the next stage of The Tout of Catalunya which the Sky Team rider Wout Poels won. On the way in i dismantled the pressure washer and finished up with a handful of springs and valves as the wrong bit unscrewed out of the thing, Oooppps! maybe time for a new one. 
This http://www.xcweather.co.uk/ current rain display leaves nothing to the imagination that today is going to be a wet and windy one 
 with a mild temp, just, a plummeting Bar. and rising wind it all follows the forecasts for today 
Even my "seaweed" shows the wind is coming at a pace from the South at the moment on the weathercam  No doubt the rain will not be far away 
Enjoy the day
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