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Monday 14 March 2016

Merkel takes a beating at the polls & a nice walk down by the river

I dont think the Express story about benefit tycoons is anything new - - - must be a slack news day.  Inside the Express is an article with Jeremy Clarkson  advocating that we stay in the EU and promote a "United States of  Europe" all the more reason to vote that we should leave! - - - 
The Mail on the other hand carries testament to the German peoples anger against Angela Merkel as she is savaged in the polls by the right wing parties 
With the sun trying to shift the last bits of early morning mist i decided to walk down the fields then return along the river bank yesterday
 I started at around 08:30 and the sun was feeling warm even then
 the first of the ploughed fields is a mess for walking and the path is difficult to see in this shot
 at the bottom of the second field you can see the path but even after a couple of days without rain its still rather sticky.  I'll change my route in future so that i join this field by that nearest large tree on the right hopefully missing most of the mud then
 the sun has almost burned off the mist up on the Nine Ladies hill
 on the first un ploughed field now and the view south is looking good.  I did notice that a couple of trees have been cut down and the roots grubbed out in this field i wonder if this is going to be ploughed as well?
 down at the southern most part of the walk now and walking towards the river.  The grass is really short right now, by the end of summer it will be almost knee high by the wall even if the sheep are put back on it
 i noticed a bit of white about 40 metres out into the field from its edge and it turned out to be a solitary bunch of Snowdrops, i wonder how they managed to get their?
 the river is still quite high after the recent rains
 so some of the pathway is still submerged
 this bit is always interesting with ducks, wagtails and the occasional Dipper around
 i must have taken this shot a dozen times, at least, and only noticed the very small stone bridge over the stream as i framed the shot!
 nice view back down the river with the mist still hanging about
this is not the usual tree i photograph but another who's roots have become detached from the bank part of it is up against the tree at left but i suspect the Autumn rains might move it down stream eventually
After a walk down the very expensive cycle track to the pub and then a walk back up some time later we settled into the chairs on the Sky Terrace and enjoyed the sun until tea time.
Once again the rain radar display is showing clear so it might be yet another dry day
still pretty cool and there's a bit of a breeze making it colder but i feel sure it will warm up quite quickly
 a nice looking sky currently on the weathercam and the forecast indicates it is unlikely to rain today
UPDATE 08:30
A blackbird enjoys his breakfast on the sun terrace
A nice sunny aspect now on the weathercam
Enjoy the day
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