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Wednesday 16 March 2016

EU/UK baby boom & Signals of spring abound

The Express headline details exactly why we need to get out of the EU! - - - the text reveals that 1 in 6 of ALL EU births take place in Britain and more than 1 in 4 born here now have foreign mothers - - - 
Just had to had to include this the headline to the Mail story is Football stars hit a new low at Cheltenham as one appears to relieve himself into a glass then throw it over the side of their box while their female companions flash their chests - - - no comment - - - 
I happened to wander out rather early this morning to check the weather OK sad i know but there we are. The signals that spring is coming are all about it was just before 05:30 and a number of birds were singing away.  The noisiest though were a group of Owls around 6 i would guess.  A couple must have been off to the south in an old quarry which hasn't been worked since the 40's.  Two more were probably quite close in the trees over the river and a couple more were off to the north aa hundred metres or so.  They seemed to be in some kind of competition of who could "out-hoot" the other,  lol ! 
I have blogged before about how the new cycle track, tree felling, had given us some of our hillside view back from the garden 
one of the trees that it would have been nice to get rid of would have been the silver birch to the right of the left hand chimney in this shot 
 yesterday while signing for a parcel i noticed the top most branches of it had been lopped off.  This photo from up in the garden shows the gap left by it.  The trees now blocking the view are part of a copse further away that will probably not be felled for a long time but at least we can see "a little more of the hillside" 
With the promise of no chance of rain yesterday i thought i might remove a little more of the stash at the logging site.  Sods law intervened and it rained as soon as i left the house!
this was the stash April 15th 2015 its all but gone now.  I used to bring up stuff from where i'm felling at present and re-stock it but its easier just to pile it up down in the valley.  As long as i transfer enough for the year to the cottage when i can get Boris down there it was a bit of wasted effort. 
the overlay of the Temp doesnt download with this photo but the Temp in Finland this morning is 8.3 and a thaw has set in as can be seen by the dripping water on the left of the shot. 
 So, cooler than Finland this morning and the wind makes it feel really chilly  
just a hint of mist on the surrounding hills from the weathercam.  The forecast indicates we will get some sunshine today and the possibility of a double figure Temp later.  I noticed that in yesterdays afternoon sunshine the greenhouse auto opening window was half an inch open it is set not to open until 21c is reached! another spring signal! 
Enjoy the day
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