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Saturday 12 March 2016

Kick out Foreign (or should that be EU) crooks & Some big tree felling for me

 The Express front page story seems to have become submerged in all the other "News" googling the text only brings up similar promises from 2013 to, "Kick out Foreign or should that be EU Crooks  - - - The The Mail story however is covered but needs no explanation to be believed as we race towards the EU vote! - - - 
The book reached a "critical stage" yesterday when i needed to take photos out then re insert others.  I say a critical stage but it was me who was at a critical stage.  The way i have inserted the pics is not the best idea i have had and i doubt many will pass the critical eye of the publisher but adding them "where they belong" in the text was something i did right form the start. 
Anyway the thing to do was start the day with a walk!! 
 It was a foggy morning 

 my Ransoms study is going well and its not difficult to see the daily growth even now 
 I was doing my Round Robin walk in reverse so the misty view hides the Haddon/Chatsworth land normally seen here 
 A similar view back down (South) the valley at the house with the golf course 

 At the top of the course now and Peak Tor is just discernible in the mist  
 The felling in this forest is still a mystery to me and appears to be moving very slowly  
Normally a nice view South West across the valley here but its hidden today.  I did notice however that there appears to be a large ratchet type cargo strap around this building.  There's a large crack down the Northern gable end so maybe that's what it's there for - - -
Returning home i "set to" on the book, after a stuttering start it went well and i almost completed it before the sun in the garden forced us out to prune a honeysuckle or two 
the blossom on the peach in the greenhouse is just about out, I gave the greenhouse a bit of a dig out on one of the rainy days recently and its looking ready for a few plantings now 
The day was turning out to be a fine one with a double figure Temp in the early afternoon, Sally had organised to visit Lisa her friend and i volunteered to take her up there, its the same place as our logging venue.  I learn later that Lisa has had one of her cats killed on the road just before we arrive and 2 weeks previously she lost another so it puts a bit of a dampener on the late afternoon sunshine 
Oblivious of the tragedy though because i don't go into the house i walk down to the logging area determined to fell a number of large trees to be turned into firewood in the coming months
 This is the before shot, I'm after the large one in the foreground and the one farthest away along with the 3 slightly smaller ones around it.  I first decide to drop a hawthorn tree near to one of the larger ones and it promptly hits me in the face and causes some bleeding - - poetic justice! 
 the first one is a classic fell by sawing out a wedge and then dropping it into a clear area, spot on! As i sawed the wedge the sap was oozing out so i reckon to have caught it just in time 
 the second is on the edge of a stream bank and too dangerous to saw a wedge out of, it comes down though without too much trouble

disposing of the smaller ones i now have a set of trees without leaves to work on.  The furthest one away had the buds almost opening so it might produce leaves before it runs out of sap 
I then had an hour on the long thin pole beech trees in the copse before calling it a day - - - progress! 
This pic taken just about 05:55 proves that spring is just around the corner, although its frosty outside the light is enough to get around by
 With the Temp just above freezing the frost will disappear quite quickly this morning
The weathercam shows a similar pic to yesterday at this time but i expect the mist will clear later.  The forecast is for some sunshine but with cloud forming up this afternoon to spoil the show, chances of rain are small today
Enjoy the day
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