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Sunday 13 March 2016

Happy hens? I don't think so! & Time to break out the sky terrace cushions

The Sunday Express front page hints that admitting Turkey to the EU would make two thirds of Britons want to leave the EU - - - The Mail however has a headline that underneath looks like a book launch by Ex deputy PM Clegg and former Lib Dem Cabinet minister David laws - - - well i guess they have to make their money somewhere! - - - 
A large avalanche at an Italian  ski resort leaves 6 dead and more are missing.  Warm Temperatures meant the avalanche risk had been upgraded to a 3 (out of 5) in the area at the time of the tragedy 
These hens are laying eggs allegedly for The Happy Egg co  although the conditions these hens are in are far from the companies photos on their website showing free range hens 
The hypocrisy of the tale though is highlighted by the fact the farm is run by a UKIP MEP and Agricultural spokesman Stuart Agnew.  According to the story nothing about the conditions in which the hens are kept are against current free-range regulations.  An inspection by the RSPCA  for whom i have to admit i have no time at all, found "everything to be in order" - - - 

the blossom on the Peach in the greenhouse is doing well 
The frogs are "at it" in the pond and even out of it these 2 pairs are under the outlet from one of the filters - - 

 With the sunshine yesterday it was time to get the seat cushions down from the loft and test drive the "sky terrace" seating arrangements.  The forecasted thickening cloud arrived but it still didnt spoil our glass of wine - - - 
The rain radar shows a completely clear display so hopefully today will be another fine day 
the Temp is getting to be on the mild side right now and the Bar Tendency is pointing towards a sunny day  
 the weathercam pic is a little on the grey side with some mist on the Nine Ladies hill at the moment.  The forecast hints at double figure max Temp today with an Easterly breeze cooling things down. 
Enjoy the day
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