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Thursday 17 March 2016

Budget! what budget! & A trip to Oxfordshire for lunch

I think the "importance" of the budget is reflected in the fact that on the Express website the story is not even there?  this is from pressreader! I only heard snippets on the BBC 2 hourly news bulletins, the sugar tax might bring in the £s but what a "nanny state" decision!  I heard a couple of days ago about the tunnel project from Manchester to Sheffield, Mmmmm .  Sky news covers the bullet points well in this link 
The French spat their dummy out about sending all the migrants over to UK if we Brexit, now its the turn of the Germans, Here's some hilarious comments  from a TV show where HM is described as "Horse faced" and quote "we never even liked the British" - - - As ever the reader comments are funny - - - one example "this comes as no surprise does it not occur to the krauts that we dont like them either and never have" - - - 
i remember blogging about this ship the Hoegh Osaka listing and going aground in the solent in 2015 the text in the link shows a catalogue of cock ups and alleged misdemeanours which led to the grounding.  Nice to know though that "The the ship owners had commenced an internal investigation and introduced new procedures" ! - - - 
With a trip to No 1 daughter (the elder) scheduled yesterday Sally had to cry off at the last minute with tooth problems which hopefully will be resolved quickly.  I made the trip down in good time and with the chainsaw in the van we put paid to some lumps of her old garden tree felled some time ago.  Lunching at the local pub we chatted over old times for some time before walking back home to have a look at some of our Oz holiday photos, coming to a blog near you soon, I transferred an e copy of my book to a netbook and showed her the book cover which amongst the myriad of pictures shows her and her mum.  Only too soon I had to wend my way back up the motorway which once again was not the usual car park. Sally had secured more antibiotics and a referral to sort the tooth problem - - - fingers crossed. 
Cold and frosty outside this morning but no breeze to make it feel colder, the anemometer is turning but very slowly just now 
   the weathercam has a view of some cloud forming out of the West but the forecast is for it to be a pleasant sunny breezy day 
Enjoy the day
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