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Saturday 19 March 2016

Paris Attack suspect "in the bag" & A chilly cloud dodging weekend according to Michael Fish

The Express headline is another example of the EU hold on its members, it indicates we have a moral duty to accept refugees from Turkey - - - 

The Mail headline is rather disturbing that more and more people are driving around our roads and when stopped by police test positive for "illicit substances"  It claims more than 3700 drivers have been caught by forces using the drugalyser roadside test kits which came into use a year ago.  60% of suspects are accused of using cocaine, cannabis or other banned "highs" - - -
The Mail has an article similar to the one i blogged yesterday that Paracetamol is no good for Arthritis pain but it has an answer, a set of exercises to help build up muscles to unload joints affected by the pain.  Some of the comments from readers express that its too late for them because the exercises are too painful to complete - - - 
both papers however miss out on the "headliner" that the Paris attacks suspect Salah Abdeslam has been rounded up in Belgium.  He was 1 of 5 rounded up in raids yesterday. - - - 
 Logging in the sunshine the other day i had looked at this tree on the right and wanted it to fall across the "bomb crater" looking hole i'm stood on the edge of .  Its leaning to the right and away from the camera so i'm technically on a hiding to nowhere - - -
because it was also being held at its topmost branches by the hawthorn behind it, once i sawed through the trunk it literally hopped off the stump and slid down into the bomb crater.  Hey ho i think there might be others in this copse which will do the same - - -
I had intended to go logging yesterday but did a bit of background work on the book and then decided it was too dull to go up there.
In the afternoon i turned my attention to "the pond".  This is the time of year, as any pond owner, "worth their salt" will tell you that things can go horribly wrong.  All winter the pond will look crystal clear and the fish will stooge around apparently fine.  As soon as the days start to lengthen and the sun warms the water a little everything kicks off.  The algae starts to increase because of the warm water and sunlight, making the water go green.
From nowhere blanket weed starts to grow even though you have the barley straw in there and its active
along comes a bird to take a drink from the pond and one solitary piece of the above duckweed will fall from its legs into your pond.  You don't notice until its almost too late that its multiplying like crazy
On top of all that, your fish that have survived the winter now start to start to get stressed and die
Anyway armed with these gems i thought i would "sort the pond" yesterday afternoon.
My new filter box which is turning out not to be such a bargain i had a go at first.  The design is miserable so i pulled out a couple of baffles and put in a piece of thin slate to disperse the incoming water to more of the filter sponges, checked the UV bulb, everything ok there.  Moved onto the pump by pulling it out of the water and indeed it had gunk as well as blanket weed on it so cleaned all that and the flow is now a little better.
Moving on to the second filter a pontec multiclear 8000 it has to be said is a great filter but i had resisted buying a second one of these because it comes with a pump which i needed like a moose needs a hatrack at the time i bought the latest one.  However!! I popped off the lid the filter sponges in 3 different grades and 2 compartments just pull out for cleaning.  a few minutes later i'm putting them back in and just about to turn my attention to the pump when i realise have not checked the UV light.  Not working!  no problem just take out the bulb from the glass sleeve, break the glass sleeve in the process!  So thats £24 for the sleeve and £10 for the replacement bulb.  Not a good move! with the glass sleeve broken i have to botch the water pipe inlet to the filter but hey ho no problem. Clean the pump which again is full of gunk and blanket weed and everything is back up and running.  I have always been sceptical about the use of the UV clarifier/steriliser because the theories never seem to be in agreement.  I might try one year just not using them - - - but not this! - - -
Australia holiday photos tomorrow - - - promise!
Not a bad Temp although its not forecast to get much warmer during the day  
A very grey day image from the weathercam just now and as Michael Fish on the Netweather site says its going to be a Chilly cloud dodging weekend - - -
Update 08:15 a magpie has a go at the fat balls, I was wondering yesterday what had made such large holes in it, all is clear now!
Enjoy the day
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