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Thursday 3 March 2016

More EU doom and gloom for the PM & Time for a new filter box in the pond

The headline says it all for me 
and the crumbling EY flag pic in the story backs it up with an Express online poll in which 89% of the people voted for "out".  Mr Farage brandishing an EU British passport says that on June the 23rd we should vote for "out" and declare it "Independance Day" Cue Land of Hope and Glory! - - - 
A massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake at 01:20 today off the coast of Indinesia sparked a Tsunami warning across the region.  Thankfully it was cancelled soon after but i imagine memories of the 2004 disastrous Tsunami were uppermost in peoples minds at the time.  There are no immediate reports of damage or casualties - - - 
Having had a bit of a green water pond last year i decided to replace one of our filters we have 2 for this year.  I purchased one of those pressurised filters some years ago but have never really like it due to the pain of having to strip it down just to clean out the filter foams.  
I replaced an ageing box filter at the deep end of the pond last year and now have a second one for the shallow end.  Weather permitting it will be commissioned today! 
Yesterdays approaching storm which had been christened Jake, managed to find us early in the afternoon.  I had blogged that forecasters were uncertain exactly what it would do and where but wet, windy and snowy were meant to be its main features, it didn't disappoint.
Mid afternoon we had a belt of sunshine and then it snowed quite well for about 30 minutes.  The Temp at the time was around 2.5c but even so the snow failed to settle at the highest elevation around, The nine ladies stone circle some 700ft higher than us at 300ft.
At around 20:00 the winds was especially noisy and the anemometer recorded a gust just shy of 30 mph.
This morning the Temp is low and the Sky is clear so we look to be in for a chilly day!
 The Temp is currently just below freezing and the light breeze will make it feel even colder
 The weathercam is showing an almost clear sky and the sun is already creeping down the Western side of the valley.  The weather forecast is heading towards a cloudy day with chance of precipitation growing as it approaches dusk.  Tonight and tomorrow could be a cold wet one if the forecast is correct.

Enjoy the day
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