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Thursday 10 March 2016

Sweet penguin story & Chance of no rain today - - - cool

Not really worth a read on the front of the Express this morning is the story about the Suns "revelation" yesterday that HM supports Brexit.  The story was thrashed to death on the radio yesterday the banner headline about the penguin is below - - - far more interesting- - - 
A touching story about a Brazilian man who saved a penguin  in 2011 and it now spends 8 months a year with him before going off to its breeding grounds 5000 miles away and then returns 4 months later 
This school bans "tag" game because it might upset some children - - - speechless - - -
13 million cars damaged because of potholes  on our roads says this Express story from an AA survey
Matlock to bakewell cycle track
however No problem! locally, we have a perfectly flat pothole-less cycle track being built by the Department of transport - - - nuff said! - - -
We had some rain yesterday but nothing to shout about really.  Elsewhere in the Midlands the rain came down with a vengance and countless stories of floods are in this article
we had planned to visit No 1 Daughter (the elder) yesterday but circumstances dictated otherwise - - good job though as she posted this pic on facebook of her trying to get out of her village
Darley Dale weather
 with the Temps of late at night being down near freezing last nights 4.9c was a welcome surprise.  Its dropped a little as the dawn arrived which is usual but i expect it will reach near to double figures later in the day
the weathercam shows the clouds which have probably helped the overnight Temp somewhat.  The forecast is for little chance of any rain today.  The dangly addition to the weathercam pic is of the "seaweed" persuasion.  If you view it through the webcam it go's like this
If its moving its windy 
If its dripping water its raining 
If its not moving or dripping it not windy or raining
If its not there we have had a hurricane etc etc etc!

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see Our weather website
Or this one just to see the Live Birdfeeder and Weather Webcams

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