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Tuesday 15 March 2016

Geraint Thomas wins the Paris-Nice & Bertie and Napkin visit me logging

 The Express headline has a tinge of truth about it but you wont know until you have "retired" lol . The Mail headline is all about some of the big name companies cutting back on recruitment to prop up having to pay the "living wage" - - - hidden agenda or what, maybe they should shave off 0.005% of their profits to pay for it - - but that wouldn't do would it?  The photo of Chris Evans looks like he might have been up all night counting his millions rather than being "concerned" about the latest Top Gear gaffe- - - 
Its a few months to the Tour de France which we always watch on TV but the cyclists who will take part in it are not sitting around.  Over the past week the classic "Paris Nice" or "Race to the sun" took place.  the Sky Team rider with the help of his teammate Sergio Henao, Welshman Geraint Thomas triumphed over Alberto Contador by just 4 seconds in a nail biting 15km last descent to the line in Nice.  Its been suggested this year might be Contador's last season and he is focussing on "Le Tour" Thomas will be watching him 
After a keen frost yesterday the sun shone and it was time to go logging.  
 the sun was great but the wind blowing from the NE (the right) made for some jacket on jacket off moves during the visit 
I fellled a number of the beech "pole" trees from the copse and then set to with the maul
by the end of the splitting and stacking i had added a good foot along the lower half of the pile 
 I hadn't seen Bertie (left) or Napkin (middle) in a few visits.  They had been with the rest of the flock way up the valley.  I started to hear their bells as they made there way down to me complete with a friend in tow
They made short work of the Robin Mix food on the tree stump, had a go at eating my rucksack and chain saw then wandered off up to the farm gate. 
Later in the day Sally and I had a go at clearing an old stash of wood but even with a full load in Boris there's another load and a half before its cleared. 
 The Temp has been at 5c plus all night so no chance of a frost this morning. The slight breeze must be swinging the wind direction indicator about because its definitely coming form the cold NNE ! 
lots of cloud showing on the weathercam and the forecast is pointing to it thinning a little, enough to give the odd sunny spell today, the chances of any rain are small. 
Enjoy the day
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