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Monday 21 March 2016

IDS resignation "all about EU" & Time for a trip to the Lake District

According to the text behind the headlines IDS resigning is "all about Europe" - - - lets hope so
Interesting article about preparations in London for an ISIS Paris style attack scary comments from readers at the bottom! 
With such a dull start to the day yesterday i was surprised when the cloud was burned off in a matter of minutes, i had planned a walk to The Nine Ladies Stone Circle as a precursor to going up to the Lake District and the sunshine was a bonus 
 great start by the river and i'm eventually headed for the ridge in the distance 
 the outfall from a stream coming from bottom left of the photo is clearly visible showing the height of the river due to the lack of rain lately  
 this ransoms study photo shows is really getting going now i have been taking the same photo for a month or so to show the growth emerging 
 great view off to the NW as i walk up the river to the bridge on the A6 
 this fence has got to be something to do with the new cycle track H&S ! The sump is part of the old railway system that used to run along here and has been open for years.  The cycle path is about 20 metres away!
 The conflux  had to look it up!  of the River Wye and Derwent 
 over the A6 bridge now 

 Peak Tor in the sunshine 
 ascending the hill now and looking off North towards the Chatsworth land 
 looking SE towards Matlock  
 i just happened to stop in the right place to view our cottage which used to be obscured by the recently cut down cycle path trees just about in the middle of the photo 
 I always enjoy this view up to the folly and its my next goal 
 I always take the steepest option on the way up to it! 
Nine Ladies Circle  made it ! 
 taking the easy way down i walk through the abandoned quarry that the Eco warriors defended so successfully years ago.  The Haddon estate had wanted to reopen it, down at the cottage we would have had a "grandstand view" of it 
 relics of an age gone by! 
and then a gentle walk back down.  Even with all the sunshine the wind still has a keen edge to it, no doubt that edge will also be evident on my Lake District walk tomorrow ---
LM this morning takes the warm breakfast option! he'll normally come to the catflap and as the electronic latch drops he waits to be let in through the back door, but he was so eager to rush through it and show me his trophy today - - - 
Enjoy the day
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