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Tuesday 23 August 2016

Sally's Tosh goes to Ubuntu for the final time! - - - & - - - EU partners in disarray over open borders policy

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 

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This curious blob of rain is heading straight passed England and is focussed on giving Scotland a soaking today.
 We are well into double figures with the Temp this morning and form the forecasters predictions its going to be a hot one.  The rain in the last 24 hrs figure hides the fact that whenever i went outside yesterday it was raining!
Some early morning mist/low cloud is around this morning but all the usual suspects in the forecasting world say we are in for a warm sunny day.  There is a lot of talk about a hot spell for the South East of England which will be taking much of its weather from Europe in the next couple of days.  There is however a dividing line of Temperature across the midlands and locally we look to be sitting astride it so Temps in the next few days will be interesting to observe.  - - -

Its a great computer but it cant cope with windows.  This is a statement we have both said many times about an old Toshiba Satellite - A500 we own known on our network as Sally's Tosh .  It was originally windows 7 then 10 and only for a short while did it EVER lose its habit of crashing because of the Nvidia Graphics Card 
 Only in Windows 10 did it ever manage to "recover" from the graphics card crashing a couple of times before it would reboot itself.  The only OS that has ever worked without it crashing is Ubuntu/Linux. I have dallied with it briefly a number of times but always switched back to Windows 
Wanting to consider the machine as a replacement for the aged web server i use i bit the bullet and loaded the latest Ubuntu release the other day.  Ubuntu/Linux has come on in leaps and bounds lately and has a very good app called "wine" that can install and run some windows applications.  OK, whats the point of working in Linux with a windows app - - - the graphics card doesn't crash - - - so far - - - result !


The banners focus on the !blast of heat" change in the current weather and a free guide to the best new cars 
 The main headline is another loony tirade from the EU Boss about the open borders policy, while Germany is beefing up its borders which is annoying the Swiss 
The Daily Mail highlights the sorry tale of our NHS broken system - - - 

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