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Saturday 27 August 2016

A broken maul produces a "cunning plan" - - - & - - - More EU exit dilly dallying - - - Get on with it!

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 

http://www.netweather.tv precipitation display
Todays weather forecast calls for rain but its not looking too bad at the moment.  The general direction of travel is away towards Scotland for the blob that is on the display at present.  If that blob at the bottom of the photo develops into a much bigger blob that could get to our area later in the day
 7.8c! on the Temp this morning probably due to all the mist swirling around in the valley at the moment.  No doubt it will warm up quite quickly once the sun makes its presence felt.
The weathercam is showing it "mists of Autumn fruitfulness" pose at the moment but the sky is just about visible through the gloom.  Todays forecast looks good until around 12:00 on the Metcheck front and 15:00 on the Met O front when they both indicate we might have some rain.   I'm hoping the chance of rain might stay away until well into the late afternoon.  
Once again a half decent day's weather yesterday meant a Gym session and the day proved just right to get a few jobs done as well  
 walking down to the logging area i noticed this hawthorn bedecked in its red berries, a sure sign that Autumn is not far away 
 It was time to add to the pile with more of the trees we dragged up the other day.  The hawthorn bush proved difficult in giving up its tangled prizes.  It took me nearly and hour to sort it out 
 on to the easier stuff but my 2lb mauls head snapped off.  I mused that i have had it since the start of my logging in 2009 so i cant complain 
 i added so much to the pile today that i had to build up the side wall a little this is going to be a splendid pile when its full.  Returning home I spent some time taking the paint off the weather strip on our front door, contemplating replacing it halfway through the job due to a bit of rot - - - we'll see 
Boris's left hand rear mud flap has been torn for ages now and spotting a door mat fit for the job in Aldi the other day i had scooped one into the trolley.  £30 a pair if you buy the LR part!!.  Getting the old nuts and bolts off proved a pain but Big Al from down the terrace supplied some new ones so i sawed them off.  Liberal greasing and a bit of plastic pipe over the threads might save some time if i have to replace it again
 final job of the day I had an old 8lb maul handle, proof that "never throw anything away you never know when it might come in handy" works!  so guessed that if i could reduce the size of the spindle sticking out of the end the old 2lb head might fit 
 a bit of hacksawing and cutting later and with the judicious use of the lump hammer in the photo the 2lb head went on the 8lb shaft 
 mixing some araldite i poured it down the top of the head to fill in around the shaft  and left it in the full sun to harden 
once the sun had left the yard i finished the job off with some liquid metal  used to be called plastic padding? .  Testing will take place this morning.  I haven't shortened the shaft yet but might do that once i try using the thing. 

£15 off Robert Dyas whoever he might be! and free fruit juice, the free fruit juice reminds me of infants school lol 
 The main headline about a NEW move for instant EU exit, should really read NO move for instant EU exit.  Why are they messing about!  just do it! - - - 
The BHS scandal drags on illustrating how toothless the law is in the situation - - - 

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