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Wednesday 10 August 2016

Boris and the unruly moth! - - - & - - - watch the Heatwave this week-end

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 

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There is a real change in the direction the weather is coming from today maybe it has something to do with the change for the weekend "heatwave?" Anyway there is a bit of rain about just now, its skidding past to the West just out of the valley at the moment - - - could be some for us later 
 just into double figures with the Temp this morning
the weathercam view is looking to where the rain is skidding by lets hope it stays over there.  The forecast for yesterday was about as wrong as it could be so look at today's with a bit of a "jaundiced eye" .  Met O alternate between Showery day, cloudy and sunny day.  Metcheck indicate sunshine till 09:00 then an increasing risk of rain and cloud as the day goes on.  The weather geek talk is of the weekends weather and the fact it could get quite warm.  The French are in for a hot time of it with Temps well into the mid 30's predicted, there's even talk that it could reach 40c over there!   We are on the edge of this plume that will cause the high Temps so as i reckon our weather could go either way - - - stay tuned as they say 

Our latest Project - - - the bathroom, got a boost yesterday! even though work is not scheduled to begin until the very end of September
 We have tried a number of times to "spruce it up" but the original terrible tiling and scruffy boxed in loo has always managed to make us want to change it completely.  The room is very small, almost a 2 metre square, so there's not much room for manoeuvre.  Having planned it i searched the net for goodies and of course they are all "in the Sale".  Not wanting to miss out I ordered a shower, loo and sink unit .  
the shower unit arrived yesterday and this is called "Kerbside delivery" Its a complete shower on a pallet.  I knew it was coming like this so we were prepared and stripped it down and carried it in in no time.  With my usual, "attention to detail" or should that be "lets have a bitch about the packaging" i make the following observations about  the Palletways packaging 
The base of the shower was protruding from the pallet (that tiny bit of white bottom left) luckily the corner was protected by polystyrene but this had been broken.  Once this had been taken off the pallet the thing was unstable because the rest of the shower is in one box  2 metres high and weighing 45kg. The box had been secured to a pallet stood on its end.  This would have been fine if it hadn't been strapped to the underside of a bare pallet which had been stood on its end .  This meant the centre spar of the pallet had made a hole in the box and it was pushed up against the glass door  of the shower unit!  As luck would have it the glass was not damaged - - - Score out of 10 for palletways - - Delivery 9 packaging 3 
Having packed the shower away it was such a nice day we decided to have lunch out 
 on arrival at the the Grouse at Froggatt  the view from the car park looked promising.  After ordering we sat outside talking about Sally's mornings work sorting the last details of our upcoming sojourn.  Within 15 minutes it got decidedly  cloudier and cooler.  Finally we spotted the rain drifting across the valley towards us and scurried back inside the conservatory.
This sing caught my eye - - -  amusing 
With the rain hammering down on the roof we finished lunch and stepped out side to, Glorious sunshine!  
I had earlier had a go at the washing whirligig which had developed a bit of a lean on it.  Not surprising really when you consider the amount of force the thing exerts on the base which in our case is bolted to the side of the shed.  We had put it there because we didn't want it in the garden. 
I then realised that with a bit of thought and ingenuity i could use my old windsurfer mast foot for the purpose.  OK OK its one of those things i couldn't bring myself to throw away and its has been moved a dozen or so times this year with the intention of "disposing of it" but never actually made it to the dump.  
 so there we are - - -
Result! - - - 
 I looked through the bedroom window at the  washing pole job well done, yes it was still light when i went to bed!  Settling down i drifted off - - - at 10:30 i jumped out of bed because Boris's alarm, which it has to be said is very noisy, was blaring away and all his lights are flashing.  Quickly dressing i went outside with a torch to investigate by which time the racket had stopped.  No sign of any attempt to open him so i opened the drivers door.  The culprit, a huge moth was fluttering around in the back trying to get out through the back window.  It must have been loaded on with the wood i put in him the other day.  Fluttering around it was picked up by Boris'd movement sensor and hence the racket and flashing lights.  I opened the back door at which point it decided to go into the front of the vehicle.  After a minute or so of me going from front to back it fluttered away.  
With a final smug self satisfied backward glance at my efforts with the washing pole earlier in the day i wandered back inside muttering about the "Unruly Moth" 

The banners are demanding the Marines should protect our shores and you can have a garden bistro set for a penny under £50 
Obviously a slow news day as the predicted upcoming heatwave takes centre stage.  There's been a lot of discussion about the change in the weather which should be coming to us this weekend.  We will be on the edge of a huge area of very hot weather so it could really go either way.  I think - - - 

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