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Friday 12 August 2016

Its "heatwave day" - - - & - - - Sutcliffe moves into a dodgy neighbourhood

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 

Birdfeeder & weathercam live feed link

Website link

http://www.netweather.tv precipitation display
The Netweather.TV display has that largeish blob up in Scotland at present.  Running the animation from 03:00 on it shows it increasing but its unlikely to get large enough to threaten any further South than the Lake District today i reckon - - -
I like the way the Metro reports the weather for today "After a bit of crap start to the month  weather wise" etc etc etc
 Nothing really "heatwave" just yet but the 16.5c Temp's a good start.  There was a good SW breeze blowing earlier but its settled down just now
The weathercam also doesn't have the clear sky view of a heatwave day but there's time yet.  Forecasters are going for a Max Temp today of 19-20 with a fair amount of sunshine predicted - - - lets just wait and see
Good news form No1 Daughter (the younger) on Wednesday evening that she had got the job she had been after.  So it was Lunch out yesterday to celebrate
The venue would be at the Grouse at Froggatt so i decided to walk the White Edge from Curbar to the pub
 Beginning the walk i noticed the heather was in full bloom I was discussing with Sally the other day that we think its a bit early this year
  with the wind blowing it was decidedly cold up on the White Edge footpath
 after passing the Trig Point the mist cleared a little
but the wind strength was not relenting
 nice shot of the heather again
 almost at the end of the ridge now and the lunch stop is in sight
 still pretty grey off to the South as i make the car park
 After lunch and a chat about the new job it was time to go a little way down the road and join Froggatt Edge
 just a slight improvement in the visibility but still the biting wind
 Chatsworth is just visible through the gloom
 Almost back to the van now.  I took the shortcut down to the free car parks, the ferns were head height! I think i'll use the other route down in future until the ferns die back
Back at the van the weather is not much different from when i started.  Time to scuttle off home and have a hot cup of tea!

The banners have a message about Britain having a boom after Brexit  why should anyone doubt that! and the "Worried Germans" want a ban on burkas, tsk tsk not P.C. dont you know Fritz" 
 The main headline puts on a smily face with news of the "heatwave" which they say is about to start today and there's a photo of two of our rowing medal winners at the Olympics from yesterday - - 
The Mail picks up on the Sutcliffe move from Broadmoor to "a proper" prison  I hope he gets a warm welcome - - - 

A 7.2 magnitude earthquake  330 miles to the south east of Vanuatu in the Pacific Ocean caused a tsunami warning to be issued.  Two similar quakes last year caused no reported damage 

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