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Friday 19 August 2016

Chop em down and pull em out - - - & - - - More Olympic success

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 

Birdfeeder & weathercam live feed link

Website link

http://www.netweather.tv precipitation display
heres the latest display and the general movement of the storm i cant see us being dry in an hour from now
 a nice mid teens Temp this morning and the Bar. is set to drop even more before the rain inevitably arrives later
with the weathercam i think its the calm before the storm with heavy cloud cover and a gentle breeze just now.  Time to get out and feed the fish and fill up the bird feeders before the showers.  Forecasters are sitting back in smug satisfaction as they all point to it being wet for most of the day
After the effort needed just to get a few hazel tree poles across the stream and up to where i can cut them into firewood i had decided a felling plan was needed. The ditch containing the stream gets to 8 feet deep before it emerges on the flat further down the hill and there is no way even if i cut the trees into small bits that i can carry them across the chasm to the firewood pile
 the idea today then is to fell as many as possible and get Sally with Boris to help drag them across the stream and up to the pile
 having a bit of a wander before i start work just across the field are some hazel trees full of nuts.  They are the first i have seen this year most others are bare
 I need to fell all the trees from the 2 prominent one just right of centre all the way to the left edge of the photo
 this one is almost in the stream and at the bottom of the 8 ft ditch, I'll need to be careful that it falls along the ditch when i fell it.  If it touches the sides it could kick back and i have very little space to get out of the way
 after clearing an up stream escape route it drops right down the middle
 surprisingly the others all come down in short order
 quite a number have long trunks so the firewood return on this effort once i get them to the pile will be good
 Bertie wishes me a fond farewell as i leave the field near to the farmyard

back home and i transfer the chain saw stuff and load up Boris with the ropes
 almost like drawing a curtain the clouds melt away and we spend a pleasant couple of hours in the garden
 everything is at full blast now
the Nasturtiums we decide will be even more prolific next year as we are going to put them in all our spare pots as well as the usual spreading of the seeds as we clear them in October/Nov when the frost comes
With talk of the storm that will inevitably come on Friday we set off early yesterday to pull the trees across the stream.
 we negotiate the mad sheep barrier of Bertie and Napkin through the gate as Lisa our friend laughs at our antics.  Sally stops to chat as i take Boris down the hill to the logging area and on the way cover the pile of hawthorn lumpy bits i sawed up the other day
 Once Sally joins me we make short work of a number of trees
 Sally urges Boris on with another tree
having other fish to fry yesterday we call it a day with still plenty to move.  When all this lot and the stuff we have already dragged out are added to the pile it could be quite a large one


The banners have the wonderful success of the Brownlee boys securing Gold and Silver in the Olympic triathlon and a warning about the storm that is already across the South West of the UK
The main story  concentrates on the migrant crisis in Calais and calls for military assistance.  If it goes ahead it will not end well! 
The Mail has a photo of the brothers after they crossed the line and the paper is pushing for a "heroes" parade after speculation that the one planned has been cancelled

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