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Sunday 7 August 2016

I get one over on the magpies - - for now - - - & - - - What the Frack! ?

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 

Birdfeeder & weathercam live feed link

Website link

http://www.netweather.tv precipitation display
Not much on the rain radar this morning although both Met O and Metcheck are hinting at some rain today
out in the garden earlier i took the top photo and the weathercam caught a similar shot some time later, "Red sky in the morning" and all that
 very warm already at 17.2c and the breeze is up and down in strength at the moment .  Forecasters tell us it will be a windy warm day with the possibility of a shower or two with the likelihood of rain increasing towards late evening
the current weathercam shot shows a lot of cloud, lets hope the met men are wrong about the rain

In the current battle with the "Pesky Magpies" which not only eat all the birdfood but keep the smaller birds away from the feeders i came up with an idea!  If only i could shooo the birds away with some kind of noise. I have cameras that have speakers but this isnt one of them
We have one of those electronic bell push things on the back gate and it transmits to a gizmo sitting in the kitchen.  I thought that if i put the gizmo near to the bird feeders i could press the bell push and it might scare away the magpies.  Better than dashing up the garden as i do now.  So the white oblong box alongside the camera is the noise gizmo
Unfortunately the microphone on the camera above isnt switched on but the sudden exit by the bird is when I press the bell push - - - result !- -- for now 
With it being such a nice day yesterday i decide it was time to renew my Gym membership 
 The Temp was over 20c as i plodded down the hill and not having been logging since the 17th of July i was glad i had taken the time to start up the chainsaw back home.  When its been idle for a few weeks its a bit of an art to get it going which needs plenty of pulls on the rope starter.  I had my eye on getting all the stuff in the photo above cleared away and onto the bonfire or firewood pile
 the view from the top of the knoll up the valley is particularly pleasant today but i could wish for a bit more breeze
 one lot cleared and onto the second.  The firewood pile is 25 metres away and there are 2 options, drag the stuff up near the pile cut it up then throw it on the pile or cut it up in situ and carry the stuff up there.  I opt for the cut it up option.  Dragging the stuff up near the pile is difficult enough over the terrain in the photo but when you get near the nettles and grass the hawthorn foliage and prickles drag into it and make it twice as heavy
 tadaaaaaaa! all done
i throw the stuff into the centre of the stash to flatten the nettles that are growing in it.  I'll probably cover this lot up for a while and turn my attention to the stuff alongside the stream down off the knoll.  
it could be hot work methinks ! 


The Express banners are offering a football guide and a European holiday for £7 
 The main headline points at a fracking compensation scheme which a little seems less than thought through
The Mail also looks at the fracking compensation deal, no doubt the final idea will be nothing like the stuff in the papers today 

This i like!  its an article in the Mail titled "From bottled water to shampooing twice: After flossgate, here are 10 other essentials you REALLY dont need.  I often wonder why people buy bottled water and that's what caught my eye.  The flossing and multivits i can cope with but all of the others are on my list of why buy em! 

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