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Wednesday 31 August 2016

Rain today but when? - - - & - - - And Brexit is dragging its feet

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 

http://www.netweather.tv precipitation display
the rain is heading in form the Atlantic to give us a soaking today.  Its just a matter of when rather than if i imagine
 The Temp is just into double figures this morning and no wind to speak of at the moment
A pretty benign weathercam view over to the West today with some rather pleasant white cloud about.  Looking East reminds me of the saying "Red sky in the morning shepherds warning"  The forecasters are in agreement that it will rain today although diametrically opposed as to when.  The Met O says before 12:00 and a sunny afternoon.  The Metcheck forecast looks at a fine morning then rain after 12:00!   I thik i'll go with the Metcheck prediction - - - 
 the weather in the Maldives has been windy and grey for the last few days and today looks like its been raining already at Kuredu
while in parga Greece with a Temp of 22c already people are heading to the beach
Here's an amusing shot of LM proving the motion sensor is working by walking across the wood pile in front of Boris's camera the other day

The Nuthatch has re-appeared on the bird feeders after a long absence, we see a lot of it in the winter and it makes a racket in the trees if we go near the feeders
Things to get done in the morning meant an afternoon session at the Gym and it was hot.  Dropping off Sally to chat with her friend Lisa i walked down to the logging area with the sun blazing down 
 the last of the trees we dragged out are going into the pile today which will hopefully be enough to stop the rainwater pooling on top of the plastic sheeting 
 just about running out of drinking water in the heat i manage to get all the wood into fire sized pieces 
 the pile's looking good now and it should dry out well in the coming winter 
  I'll probably only remove the small stuff in the lee of the huge tree to add to the pile before i go back to the other side of the knoll to finish off for this year 
wandering back up to pick up Sally Lisa's cat keeps an eye on me.  He was dumped in amongst the farm buildings some time ago and has turned into a house cat by choice. 

Talking dogs and a free memo pad in the banners 
 while irritatingly TM the PM is insisting nothing can stop us leaving the EU - - -  well get on with it then! 
The mail tells us all about young doctors plotting a series of strikes. - - - 

Tuesday 30 August 2016

Website camera work yesterday - - - & - - - More migrant flood threats from the French

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 

http://www.netweather.tv precipitation display
Not a rain blob to be seen on the UK display today , looks like it could be a nice day 
mid teens with the Temp already it should be low 20s before long 
A bit grey on the weathercam at the moment but hopefully the sun will break through soon.  Forecasters are in agreement there will be no rain and the Temp should get to 22c 
Up early as usual yesterday and they forecast is set for fine but we first have to get rid of the valley mist 
 it was rolling down the valley at a tremendous rate 
 obviously coming along the 2 rivers that meet a km up the road 
  a bit of a bottleneck further down the valley 
 this panorama has the full mist effect 
About 30 minutes later its all gone and i set off on my Round Robin walk 
 it might be Bank Holiday Monday in England but the early morning aircraft are still well in evidence as i set out 
 a pleasant view up to the nine ladies hill 
 This knife stuck in the local council notice board up in Tinkersley has an Agatha christie look about it 
the view down the valley bathed in sunshine 
 across to Peak Tor and up the valley towards Bakewell 
 the muddy track pushed through by the loggers last year is getting a bit of cover on it now but it will never be the tiny footpath it was before 
 this view always looks great even in the manky weather at the southern and of the golf course 
 the view from the Northern end is just as good this morning 
 i forsake my usual view from the gate on the footpath down to the river and try one a little further down the footpath 
 down on the river path the undergrowth is thinning itself out a little
  the environment agency have removed the fallen trees from the river 
 and the wood is left on the far river bank.  I wonder who will get that?  
 the ransom patch is mega bare now  
 we have had some rain but not enough to raise the river much yet 
The appearance of a loan portaloo might signify more work on our multi million £ cycle track 
the undergrowth is still blocking my usual last photo across the river, i might remove some of it in winter to get a better view 

It struck me that the netbook servicing the webcams at the top of the garden was a huge security risk yesterday.  I cant imagine why it didnt dawn on me earlier!!! It was there primarily to run the usb webcams but i imagined the IP cameras could do just the same job and in effect are just stand alone items 
 this is the birdfeeder usb cam and there's another in the greenhouse acting as the weathercam  
there's already an IP camera in the greenhouse that can mirror the usb cam view and i just need to get this IP camera into the housing to look at the birdfeeder.  
As usual all is not as simple as that and i wrestle with the camera which then starts to crash all the time.  In the end i put in another model and its fine.  
The netbook is taken down to the house and then has a bit of a fit not wanting to display the cameras on the internet.  I duplicate the output on another PC and finally get the netbook back up and running this morning.
the weathercam view looks even clearer with the IP cam 
  The birdfeeder cam does as well but could do with moving back a little to take in the whole of the feeders, i might get that done today.  - - - 



The banner concentrates on the death of the willy wonker star and tickets to Flamingo Land again 
 The French are having a moan about the migrant camps in Calais on the front of the Express 
while the mail sports another angle on it as they seem ready just to process them through to the UK - - - Brexit Quick! 

Monday 29 August 2016

Spot the dead trees - - - & - - - More EU doom and gloom

Enjoy the day – Enjoy the weather 

http://www.netweather.tv precipitation display
The rest of the UK looks clear of rain this morning but i reckon we could be in for a soaking in about 40 minutes
 A mild Temp this morning but with the prospect of some sunshine - - - eventually
Very much the mists of autumn fruitfulness this morning, once my prediction of some rain dissipates it should be a pleasant sunny day unless more rain bubbles up.  The forecasts are also pointing at a sunny dry day
Here's a great photo of Hurricane Gaston which is sitting firmly in the Atlantic at the moment This Mail online story explains its expected movements   Its expected to weaken significantly before it reaches us.  
Our gardening ideas over the years have led us down a mainly successful path and one rule we have when moving stuff around is "it has 2 choices,  to grow or die"
unreservedly the moving of some of the mini pine trees is turning out to be a failure! our next idea for some kind of hedge is looking like using laurels - - -
This wonderful photo (attrib PA) is part of an advert for a programme  by Melvin Bragg beginning today on Radio 4 at 21:00. It details why the government should spend some of its billions of £'s on "The North" - - -


The banners have the demise of BHS and a notice that its going to be sunny 
The stark main headline comes form the German vice chancellor  who is also quoted as saying "Britain cant keep the nice things about europe while taking no responsibility"   Its long been my opinion that the EU has already slipped halfway down the drain and the "nice things" about being part of it are in the same place.  
The Mail concentrates on what might allegedly be the final "con" for Mr shifty to try and save a shred of reputation from the BHS affair - - -