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Thursday 29 October 2015

Well done the R Marines & Sally gets a Kindle Fire

 The Express has the sad state of the "Maddy" investigation on its front page 
while the Mail has support for Sgt Blackman front and centre.  I noticed in the comments at the bottom of the story in the Mail a person pours scorn on the BBC for not covering the protest at all (!)- - - 
A story covered by the BBC is about 4 UK bird species facing extinction an RSPB official is quoted as saying "A global wave of extinction is lapping at our shores"  it sounds rather dramatic but the facts speak for themselves and are staggering - - -
Sally gets a Kindle Fire HD.  It has long amazed me at the speed Sally can read a book and testament to that is the huge collecting we have around the house as she refuses to throw them away.  I have lost count of the times i had suggested a Kindle for Christmas for Sally but in the end it never happened.  Out of the blue she mentions the Kindle Fire which in essence is a Kindle with a computer amongst other things, bolted onto it.
It was delivered yesterday for the princely sum of a few pence less than £50 and promptly set to work.  Quite a natty little machine with a camera as well as internet and the only difficulty was hooking it up to her e mail account.  A book was downloaded and read last night and the whole thing is now trumpeted as a success.
I had a few hours on the book yesterday and popped in a number of photographs.  My ideas on publication are forming now but it will be a while before it hits the bookshelf! - - -
 Another mild breezy morning for us
Grey scudding clouds on the weathercam and the forecasters are hedging their bets by suggesting rain during part of the daylight today - - -
njoy the day 
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