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Thursday 1 October 2015

We are all living longer & Pond plants get a haircut

The Express gives the oldies prominence on its front page with facts about Why we are all living longer While the banner headline Outrage as cross is removed" looks on reflection to be a "storm in a teacup" - - -
 this dramatic pic and others in this link on the other hand shows the effect  of Typhoon Dujuan which has been blasting parts of China for a couple of days now 
In UK our Indian Summer continues and we "make hay while the sun shines", because surely it will end soon 
 the lately familiar misty morning clears a little to show the real colours of Autumn down in the trees along the A6 
 slightly thicker mist as i walk up the hill and the new pond now is looking full
 back down at the river level i notice the sheep look to have been taken to market from the pasture over the river 
at the end of the Peak rail line these Shaggy Ink Cap mushrooms Coprinus Comatus are just poking their heads above ground 
 our pond plants have been so successful this year they began to lie on top of the netting so yesterday we decided to cut them all except the Arum Lily. which had been overgrown by the others 
the garden looks to be enjoying the late afternoon sunshine yesterday 
 another mild start to the day with a double figure Temp.
even this early the mist we have been having lately doesn't look to evident this morning, another sunny day in prospect 
Enjoy the day 
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