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Wednesday 14 October 2015

Trojan Horse attack strategy for cancers & Boots returns home

A treatment supposedly avaialble in four years is claimed to be able to cure 9 out of 10 cancers using a Trojan Horse type attack - - - hope its true

This hummer limo is used to ferry migrants from London to Manchester no wonder they are queuing up at Calais to get into the UK - - - 
i Blogged about a Tesco store the other day security tagging their 10p plastic bags after the introduction of the 5p charge.  Todays story is of tagging the baskets at an Oldham store after thefts of them rocketed
A little grizzly but this pic of a fox with the body of its smaller  Arctic cousin in its mouth wins the 2015 Wildlife Photographer of the year for Don Gutoski
As the day for the return to my "Alternative Activity" rushes up on me i have reflected on my 6 weeks, well 3 shift patterns, i have missed.  I haven't done a lot to the book but have switched from it being a chore to a labour of love!  I am still at 6's and 7's about publishing but that's something which needs to be addressed soon methinks.
it was time for a lunch at The Grouse at Froggatt it'll be our 20th year of going there next year!  the view from the car park never pales - - -
The afternoon had time for a wander around the garden before settling down to chill with a couple of old films, just before time for bed our friend Lisa rang us with the good news that the missing cat "boots" who had been reported clipped by a car returned home.  Looking a little worse for wear but safe and well he can tick off a couple of his nine lives as "used" - - -
Boris will be getting his pre winter underbody treatment this morning, its a messy job spraying the Waxoyl  underneath but worth the effort.  I might try the Dinitrol product next year
 cool again this morning
the weathercam shows quite a bit of cloud around while the weatherpeeps are indicating a sunny morning?
Enjoy the day 
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Or this one just to see  Live webcam - - Birdfeeders

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