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Monday 26 October 2015

House price rises - again & Zorin? whats Zorin?

 Must be a slack news day at the Express with another revelation about house prices soaring by 25% - - - The guardian covered a similar story in June? - - - 
The Mail however tells us that a month of the booze is good for us Mmmm- - - 
Having completed one of our old walks in Chatsworth the other day 
we decided to do another one which we hadn't done in a number of years 
Hartington  is a 25 minute drive away and deep in the Dales and normally swarming with tourists 
Luck was with us though as we managed to find a parking space by the duck pond in the centre of the village
 remembering the walk wasn't as hard as i though and we wandered past this really old fashioned corner shop with its jars of sweets in the window 
 we were soon up on the top of the high ground above the village 
 and striding along the familiar path 
 another great view but the path here and at a number of points now is very stony and Sally is finding it uncomfortable 
 we hit the top end of Biggin dale and there is a little respite 
 with a grassy patch or 2 but the stony path lasts all the way down to the river just up ahead
 thankfully the walk up Dovedale is a well used path and quite flat 
 Sally puts on a brave face 
 its surprising how few people are about if this was summertime the track would be very busy 
 i make a mistake on the route out of Dovedale and we end up climbing back up the side of the Dale 
luckily we can see our destination and soon enough emerge only a few metres from the normal end of the walk.  This stone figure is outside an art studio on the edge of the village. 
Driving home we decide that today should be declared a wine day and we pop into the shop before settling down in front of the log burner.  I measure the walk and its a shade under 6 miles - - - 
poking around on the internet i come across a site that says Miss windows XP? - Get it back  Its an article on an operating system called Zorin.  Having been an XP user on many a machine i peruse the content and decide to give it a go.  I download the system and install it on an old Windows Vista machine and at first look its very user friendly.  Its a Linux OS but with a "normal" windows front end and it does react a lot like XP - - - 
 a bit on the cool side this morning and a bit breezy to boot! 
the weathercam view looks ok and the forecasters are predicting just a little rain throughout the day 

Enjoy the day
Follow this link to see  our Darley Dale weather website
Or this one just to see  Live webcam - - Birdfeeders

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