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Tuesday 6 October 2015

Hard work? a thing of the past & the Indian Summer weather is set to return

 Both the Mirror and the Express cover the death of a PC after fleeing burglars kill him in a hit and run incident.  Teresa May tells us something we all know in the Banner headline - - - 
The Mirror and "The I" both cover a quote by Jeremy Hunt, although the headline isn't what he allegedly said.  The old pic of the PM out fox hunting doesn't cut much ice - - - does it? 
Mr Z, of Facebook fame is intending to launch his own satellite next year to "provide internet access to remote parts of Africa,  whatever next - - - free wifi at Victoria Falls - lol - - -
Sports Direct took a hammering on the TV last night in a documentary about the working practices at its Shirebrook warehouse.  I wondered as some of the familiar management tactics were trotted out to keep workers working what is really wrong with expecting employees "to work" the whole of their shift except for authorised breaks.  Its as if no-one wants to work hard anymore? - - - 
I jokingly took a "free plastic bag" with me to "a local supermarket" yesterday and offered it to a check out person with a theatrical whisper for 3p against the 5p which the law says we must now pay for plastic bags.  
In conversation I was confused that none of the employees knew what bought items could constitute a free plastic bag from the confusing lists plastered all over the media in the last few days.  Looking around though it then became clear.  This supermarket had disposed of ALL THE "FREE" BAGS and replaced them with "bags for life" - - - - - price? - - - 5p! - - - 
this report from the US tells of the a mounting death toll in "unprecedented rains" in Carolina" where 6 months rain (60cm) has fallen in just 2 days 
Our weather yesterday as predicted was quite wet and we revelled in the "good for the garden soaking" although out shopping an acquaintance did say "i wish this B***** rain would stop, completely forgetting we dont seem to have had any for weeks.  This morning the Temperature is at 15C! and rain is expected again but the Indian Summer weather looks set to return for the rest of the week! 
Local weather now
 almost 15c! I heard a late weather forecast yesterday indicating it might be warm first thing but 15c is "unusual"
The weathercam has switched back to its usual misty aspect, no wonder though with the temp and humidity.  Its going to rain today but the question of how much is difficult to assess
Enjoy the day 
Follow this link to see  our Darley Dale weather website
Or this one just to see  Live webcam - - Birdfeeders

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