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Friday 2 October 2015

The 5p supermarket bag cometh & and a local footpath is closed

This rather improbable headline does appear to have some substance but is a little confusing in its quote "The risk increases by 18% in women and 11% in men for every 4 inches in height" without any benchmark? - - - 
after noticing the Typhoon Dujuan in China yesterday Hurricane Joaquin is bearing down on the East coast of the USA and is set to hit Mon Tues. The Bahamas is taking a bashing right now and rain ahead of the Hurricane is already affecting the UC coast
OK plastic bags, you see them discarded in lots of places but this 5p charge from the 5th of Oct is something of a mystery to me.  The money go's to the retailer!?  who will be "encouraged to donate it to charity" if the retailer doesn't employ over 250 people they wont have to charge it ????  - - -
This RSPB article reports that Little Terns  on Chesil beach in Dorset are 15 years old and therefore with their annual African migration flights must have flown over 100,000Km (60kMiles) - - -
Sally mentioned that her morning walk route was blocked by a sign saying "footpath closed" i investigated and a new sign had been erected indicating that it was the proposed Cycle path alongside the Peak Rail site.  I notice it does also say "Footpath", so scotching rumours that the path would be permanently closed to walkers once the work had been completed  
we lunched yesterday and the view from the venue was not at all encouraging, by the time we came out it was wall to wall sunshine the whole afternoon. - - -
 a little cooler this morning with the single figure Temp.
the now familiar morning fog is with us, it didnt clear yesterday until after lunch.  The forecasts do look promising for later though with sunshine predicted
Enjoy the day 
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