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Tuesday 13 October 2015

Migrant cost - money well spent? & pics from a frosty walk

The Express's usual "health tip" is pushed up to a banner headline as the revelation of the cost of keeping put migrants is splashed across the front page - - - money well spent? - - - 
Karl Andree 74 has lived in Saudi Arabia for 25 years and has served 12 months in prison and now faces 350 lashes which is the second part of his sentence.  His crime? being stopped by the police and having bottles of home made wine in his car boot.  The story  in a number of news media this morning is peppered with reasons why he shouldn't be flogged  but its looking like protestations from his family and the PM might come to nothing - - - 
Swegway (?) far too tedious even to look up why these things are called Swegway's but the "MET boys" have declared them to be a "vehicle" so you cant ride them on the pavement - - - but wait a cotton pickin minute - - - they dont meet legal guidlines for use on the roads either.  Hilarious video on this story link with a "rider" coming to grief - - - 
OK lots of pics but as it was our FIRST FROST of the season i set off while it was still thick on the ground and snapped some pretty good ones 
 the frost was quite a good one and the colour on the tree's in the early sunshine look quite vivid 
 climbing up the hill a touch i snapped this pic not realising that the Virgin air balloon was appearing - - - can you spot it? (click on the pic to enlarge) 
 only having walked a few paces i spotted it and thought it had to appear in a few shots 
 i was really after highlighting the ribbon of mist that i had spotted making its way down the valley from the Bakewell area 
 nice shot of the ribbon and the balloon 
 wanting to catch the balloon again i walked quickly up the steep hill into Tinkersley hamlet with the sun gaining a foothold at the bottom of the valley now 
 i was using the kodak 7630 and not adjusting the shot so the foreground looks a little darker than it actually is 
 the balloon is drifting south away from the area now, it must be freezing cold in the basket at that altitude!
 the view down the golf course shows a thick carpet of frost still around on the grass
 as does the view South a little further on 
 walking back along the river path the sun is by now streaming through the tree's 
 although the frost is grimly hanging on the far river bank 
i noticed a pheasant on the far bank that looked as if it was going after a patch of sunshine, no doubt we shall have many more frosty mornings if the forecasters are anywhere near right in their coming winter predictions. 
 Cooler than predicted this morning but no forst with the nearly 6c just now 
still a bit dark out but the patchy cloud is just visible.  Forecasters are promising a sunny day 
Enjoy the day 
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