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Wednesday 7 October 2015

Only in Canada & LM starving

Boosting the Express crusade to rid Britain of its EU "Albatross!" it quotes Boris Johnson on its front page this morning in an effort to get the PM moving - - - and the Bekhams line up for "another photo opportunity" to state their marriage is sound - - - 
A friend living in Canada often implies that Canadians are a "little strange" but only in Canada would you slide down a snowy bank and then into an almost frozen lake in a canoe - - - - - - - without a paddle 
trawling through the 5p for a plastic bag searches yesterday i stumbled across a story titled Plastid bags to ban or not to ban.  Half way down the article there's a link to The great Pacific Garbage patch 
it details how due to the flow of the Oceans there are 2 huge areas, "the size of Texas" quotes the story of the Pacific where the floating rubbish seems to congregate and the pic above is from the article - - - fascinating insight into the bigger picture   - - - 
purely on a whim yesterday i decided my morning walk would be my usual Round Robin but in the reverse direction - - - the "bounty" was rewarding - - - 
 15c and very humid as i start by the River Derwent 
 some mist still in the valley clinging to the bank and fields 
 plodding up the hill from the river i spy these puff balls growing on a half rotted fence post 
 half way up the hill this arch signals another stop to 
 take this pic looking South down the valley 
 the view from the golf course looks bright in the distance but lots of clouds around this end 
 taking in the other half of the same view shows a similar aspect 
 above the new pond, now full to the brim the view in the distance is a variation on the last 2 pics 
 down the steep hill where normally i'm coming up & concentrating on the ground in front of me i spy this mannequin and what looks like a brass eagle enjoying the view to the West (?) - - - 
still coming down hill the weather is suddenly brightening 
and finally the front door cam picks me up as i arrive home - - - 
LM is "Disgruntled of Darley Dale" this morning because i forgot to add cat food to the shopping list yesterday.  It wouldn't have been so bad if i had noticed earlier but i had cleaned his bowl and was reaching for the "non existant" food with him waiting intently when it struck me.  
A confused cat then had to settle for 1 of his 3 bowls of ordinary biscuits or his other bowl of special biscuits!!! - - - poor starving LM - - - 
local weather now 
 warm and humid again this morning 
 the weathercam shows a lead grey sky and its raining right now although the weather peeps are pretty confident it will brighten this p.m. - - - 
Enjoy the day 
Follow this link to see  our Darley Dale weather website
Or this one just to see  Live webcam - - Birdfeeders

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