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Thursday 8 October 2015

Secret plot? not anymore & LM finally sits on Toms cushion!

The headline is part of an EU initiative which is a spin off of an EU directive to which we are not signed up to - - - little chance of it working methinks 
humour at the expense of the Politician Jeremy Hunt is laid on thickly in this Express story this morning! the Yes/No interactive question in the article is worth a look!  -- - - 
This Americans view of the UK  is worth a look, a long list of one liners of which are almost all true! - - -
it was Nov 2013 when Tom, a cat we had for over 18 years suddenly died.  He was quite old and we had just bought him the cushion in this pic to ease his stiff old bones and placed it in front of the log burner along with a number of other cushions and rugs the then, 3 cats used to use
 its been washed a number of times since Tom left us and LM has NEVER sat on it, has has walked around it and some times even over it but generally will sniff the edge and move on
 I had just seen Sally off her morning walk and i noticed he was sat by it as i came back inside
he sniffed the edge as usual then stood on it and did that curious turning round manoeuvre before settling down!
I feel sure Tom wouldn't have minded - - - - -
with a fond memory sigh then its back to reality
Its all too late to repent  according to this Christian group Ebible fellowship who have predicted the world will "pass away"on the 7th of October.  Check again? isnt it the 8th today? Mmmmmmmmmm well time to rejoice = = = i suppose
2.8c! - - - now that's better for October! no frost though
the weathercam shows just a hint of blue sky, honest, as the early morning mist drifts along the valley.  The night sky earlier had a quarter moon and a million stars on show.  The Met O is predicting we might see the Northern lights tonight, might be worth and after dark foray
As its the UK mushroom season we are off to Hardwick Hall today to wander through the adjoining forest on a mushroom foray
Enjoy the day 
Follow this link to see  our Darley Dale weather website
Or this one just to see  Live webcam - - Birdfeeders

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