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Tuesday 27 October 2015

Bacon is bad for you - again & must by a crossbow! lol

The Express, along with others is banging the drum once more about eating processed meat and says it is as bad as smoking although in the text this is refuted - - - 
An in depth account of what is behind this headline is here  - - - 
This Sky News story says this dog, curiously named "trigger" managed to shoot its owner, reading the tale/tail (!) the staggering ineptitude of the owner is hard to believe - - - 
i tripped over this BBC article about British preppers, ( he said smiling, "knowingly")  that like their US counterparts are completely bonkers.  There's a preppers shop on a farm in Bedfordshire where amongst other things they sell crossbows.  The article quotes a militarist theme and a survivalist attitude amongst preppers.  They even have their own vocabulary -- - a Prepper = an individual who prepares for a catastrophic event - - a Zombie = the unprepared and aggressive masses who may want to steal a preppers resources.  Loonies! - - but wait a minute i have a tent and a load of what could be called "survival equipment" - - - note to self - - order a crossbow! 
the upturned boat is one of many of the Hurricane Patricia's  "casualties" in the aftermath of the superstorm though the death toll apparently stands at a staggering Zero - - - 
 My dalliance with Zorin was, informative and interesting and it certainly does what it says on the tin (linux but like windows XP) but i will leave it at that for now - - - 
 very mild out this morning at nearly 11c 
the mist/fog is covering the upper parts of the valley and forecasters are promising a breezy cloudy sunny day with an increasing possibility of rain towards late evening - - - 
Enjoy the day
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