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Monday 12 October 2015

Future OAP's pension boost & we have the FIRST WINTER FROST

 The government has announced a method whereby people can top up their OAP by ploughing in a lump sum, not a bad if you can afford it i guess  
 must be a slack news day at the Mail with this Facebook tax story it is alleged lots of corporations are engaging in the practice - - - 
Sky News carries this story about the increasing numbers of people in the UK contracting Lyme Disease  Climate change and warmer winters are being blamed.  I might have to review my dress and anti bug code when i get back to my logging activities! - - - 
Tesco take the plastic bag thing to a new low by attaching  security tags to theirs  They charge 10p a bag ""another supermarket"" locally only charges 5p - - - Get set for the 15p bag !!!! - - - 
it was time for a bit work in the garden yesterday but we noticed our old shed, a gift to Peak Organics has been erected and is visible form our garden.  Its strange to think that when we arrived here in 1996 there was an old derelict shed on the same concrete base that gave up the ghost a little each year until it fell down years ago.  lets hope the old thing is ok after its 4th move! 
 when we designed the garden years ago our idea was for it to be maintenance free, how naive! The middle of our 3 elevated terraces has always been difficult to weed and control.  To sort this out we decided to make it a slate lakeland of course terrace.  
 the present occupants apart from the weeds were 5 roses so moving a small camellia from where the roses were moving to was the first job and it went into a large pot on the top pergola by the laurel hedge  isnt it doing fine now just about hiding the very wobbly next doors fence.  
 with the roses moved its time for a cup of tea then spread out the black plastic sheeting. we are leaving the ferns at either end of the terrace 
 we then spread very fine slate chippings and then just scatter randomly the larger pieces of slate 
 Sally's idea of "it always looks better wet" is tested here with the finished article,  my jacket over the back of the chair got a soaking too! 
 all finished now and a quick pic from the bottom of the garden 
then one slightly higher up just glimpsing the "slate terrace" 
lights farr too bright for LM as he covers his eyes on his new sleeping spot
 with the clear sky of late evening i wondered if we might see a frost and sur enough we have a fair covering on the cars outside this morning 1.9c just now 
there's a clear sky view on the weathercam this morning and the forecasters are pretty confident we shall have a sunny day 
Enjoy the day 
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