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Tuesday 5 April 2016

Walnuts prevent heart disease - - -yea? & Garden brolly up ' ' rain down !

 Another slack news day as the express gives us more health advice the story has been covered before although this Daily Mail Article 19 Nov 2015 claims its 2 handfuls a day rather than the Express's 1 lol! - - - 

The Mail stirs up the PM's fathers alleged Tax Haven activity - - - what's that saying? "The sins of the Fathers shall not be visited on the Sons"  - - - no doubt the "stone turners" will have a ball with this story 
Once more the weather forecast yesterday was peppered with reports of rain at anytime but we noticed the sun trying to peep through and ventured into the garden quite early.  
Having noticed that the pond has its usual mantle of frog spawn and more importantly 1 dead frog i decanted both via a small net kept to hand for just this purpose.   
Signalling the kiss of death for the weather i announced that "i'll put the big brolly back up" 
 having dragged it form the darkest recesses of the shed I tramped back up into the garden as Sally announced "its raining", Sure enough, by the time i had looked at last years photo's to figure out how it was erected and Sally in the meantime had already figured it out, the first "unfurling" as can be seen in the above photo was a wet one 
 undaunted, and it has to be said the rain was very intermittent, we had a cup of tea under it!  Goodness knows why i kept half of my old Mistral Malibu windsurfer from all those years ago but it is now "a feature" as can be seen on the left of the above photo!  
i had discounted this huge blob of rain on the Netweather.tv display as being too far North at 05:15 but it now looks to be 
going to give us a dousing at any moment from the smaller Metcheck version! 
I dont think the rain will be quite as bad as the fresh snow currently falling in Finland  ! 
pity we aren't all around the pool in Keredu/Maldives 
The local stats reflect none of the above!  Not a bad Temp though and not much wind this morning  
the weathercam has a pretty grey aspect to it but there's not been any rain since it got light.  The smoke from our chimney is blowing towards the camera so the rain might reach us eventually.  We have a fire in right up until the end of April, mainly to deter the Jackdaws from building their nests in the chimney! - - - 
Enjoy the day
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