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Wednesday 20 April 2016

EU boss asks "is it me" & A great Win Hill walk!

Amongst others the Express has photos of the Royals on its front page for HM's birthday snaps.  At last! The EU boss admits "is it me!" and concedes that EU support is at an all time low, of course if it all go's down the pan it'll be our fault! - - - 
This story from the Mail  although its front page in the Sun parents of kids as young as 4 have been sent a letter "instructing them" to help their kids "choose a gender" before primary school. - - - Speachless! - - - 
I had for a long time wanted to walk up "Win Hill" above the Ladybower reservoir so decided that yesterday was the day.  
Its an imposing hill jutting out of the surrounding forest above the Ladybower Dam  
 you know its going to be "hard" because you have to walk down the hill at the end of Bamford and cross the river that runs out form the Dam with Win Hill towering above you 
 this steep staircase is the start of the ascent to the summit 
 it then follows a stream up a narrow gorge  
 breaking out of the woods its a gentle slog to the top in the sunshine 
 At the top the views are great and i'm headed down the ridge path to the forest almost at top right in the photo I'll them cross over the Snake Pass road  
 and walk back to Derwent reservoir passing the lumps and bumps on Crook hill at left on this photo
 the weather is being kind as i set off down the track 

 unlike the tracks up on Kinder not far away which are peaty and always wet these are sandy and quite dry.  
 the view up the Edale valley is looking nice and clear  
 I meet some of the locals!  
 i reach the point where i go back in the forest to go down to cross the road  
 by dint of some keen navigation! on the 1 inch to 1 mile old map i am using i arrive at the only bridge crossing the river 

 the track back up to the ridge is nearly as steep as the win Hill one  
 once on the track its still an ascent but a much more gentle affair than the one up from the road  
 once again i can see the Edale valley off into the distance  
and i begin to see the reservoir which is my end point  
 the footpath runs through crook hill farm and then   
 I'm soon down at the road level and its an easy walk back to the van from here 
 across the viaduct  
 one last look back up to Crook Hill 
and i pass the earth bank behind the Ladybower dam.  
The walk took me three and three quarters of an hour at a gentle pace and it might become a regular! - - - 
 After yesterday sunny cloudy afternoon the clouds must have cleared overnight because there's a bit of a frost this morning.  Just a smidge under zero for the Temp this morning 
A great view on the weathercam with the sun already half way down the other side of the valley.  The forecast is a confident "wall to wall sunshine" for the daylight hours.  It all could go south for the weekend though with one forecast i heard yesterday indicating that it could get cold again during the day.  
My book has been read by a literary agent who reports it to be "very good" I', on a mission today to pick up the manuscript and will welcome any pointers she has for me.  Unfortunately my book's "subject" is not in her field so my next job is to secure an agent to approach publishers where it might be! - - - 
Enjoy the day 
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