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Sunday 10 April 2016

Jimmy Carr's "Revenge is a dish best served cold!" moment & Freezing this morning here

The PM gets a flogging  in the Sunday Express after his "accounts" were published following the grief he had about the "offshore Account" embarrassment earlier in the week! - - -
The PM slagged off Jimmy Carr over his tax scandal in 2012.  Carr gets the chance to reply - - - Touche sucker! 
 The PM  needn't worry if you believe this story from the Express the world might end before the end of April - - - 
When we were in Australia recently i took exception to a guide on one of our trips who continually poured scorn on the way the "English" treated the Aborigines back in 1877.  He seemed to completely ignore the fact that "his country" had still not resolved issues which "the English" imposed on the Aborigines since the first fleet arrived and planted the Union Jack, i got this information from the Sydney Morning Herald. 
Sally was surfing the net yesterday and came up with this "gem" OK its from Wikipedia so it could be less than true but hey ho. Its The Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples  its a piece of legislation voted in by the United Nations.  The vote at the time went like this 11 abstentions 144 in favour and 4 against.  The 4 against were Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the USA.  I wish i had that information when i was sitting in the bus listening to the guide waffling on! - - - 
After wandering around the local Supermarket yesterday chatting with former colleagues i returned home and watched the final stage of the Tour of the Basque Country 

to see Alberto Contador, who the presenter keeps calling Bertie win the event by some 5 seconds from Nairo Quintana.  The last stage was a 16km time trial with a vicious hill in it where Quintana did a bike change at the top of the hill.  Discussion forms around this bike change because he might have beaten "Bertie" if he hadn't changed bikes.  Not so says a comment on this story its looking like he did gain 15 seconds on Bertie but it wasn't enough.  
Today its the turn of 
favoured rider Peter Sagan from the same team as Contador to win the Paris - Roubaix a punishing 257km long with 27 Cobblestone sectors ! - - - 
It was a bit of a surprise to wake up to a minus Temp this morning and thick fog to boot
The Forecast is for the fog to lift quite quickly and some sunshine to be around during the day
 just a shade above freezing now and the Bar tendency pointing the way to the sun
 these 2 magpies look like they are waiting for me to fill up the feeder tray for their breakfast
 much earlier this Robin was sweeping up yesterdays crumbs
a very foggy weathercam just now but its set to be clear soon - - -
Enjoy the day 
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