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Tuesday 26 April 2016

Marathon tragedy and cheaters & good but cold weather today?

Straying away from their usual, miracle cure, the Express this morning highlights the dangers of taking a cocktail of drugs to relieve arthritis pain.  The front page also covers the death of Death of David Seath   during Sundays London Marathon
Another London Marathon story is of Natasha Argent sister of some, Celeb or other, who is now accused of cheating in the race.  Her time sheet does not record a number of electronic stations during the race and she finished in a very fast time - - -
Even with the sleety rain coming on and off i decided to do my Round Robin walk yesterday. I think i deserved it after working on the corrections the agent did in my book.  It didn't feel too cold as i set off but i realised early on that gloves would have been a good idea!
 a very grey photo looking over Peak Tor into the weather

 looking South down the valley near my highest point of the walk its still fully clouded over
 its ok for you in your woolly jumper i mused
 by the time i got to the fish pond it was raining and sleeting quite well
 the View NW at the golf course was of small bands of sleety snow sweeping from left to right in the distance
 getting back down to River level the rain was still going as i hurried home
 the cold weather has stopped the ransoms producing more flowers and the ones out are few and far between
 the previous number of days being dry have meant the river level is quite low
 but this intrepid fly fisherman is up to his waste in the river looking for fish
 one last look across the river
and i snap this photo of the once muddy car parking area outside the 2 houses at Nanny Goats Crossing before wandering home - - -
With the weather approaching us from the NNW once again it doesn't look as bad as yesterdays display that had a long line of rain blobs just waiting to visit us.
 Its cold once again this morning but the prospects for today dont look as bad as they did yesterday
the weathercam looks pretty good right now.  Do I log or not today, might wait a little longer before I decide - -  -The forecast goes against the rain display above by indicating rain any-time from 09:00 to 18:00 we shall see - - - 
Enjoy the day 
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