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Saturday 9 April 2016

160.000 people tell the PM where to poke his EU in leaflet & I finally lose patience with my old Vista laptop

A debate must now be "considered" due to more than the required 100,000 signatures being collected in an online petition - - - oh dear! - - - 
I like this story i found tucked away in the folds of the Express older voters want out of the EU  it outlines in simple terms that "we" might have voted to join the "Common Market" all those years ago but have had to stand by and watch the impact of the EU system erode our traditional values - - - Lets hope "they" turn out to vote on the 23rd of June - - - 
 Bruce Springsteen has cancelled a gig in North Carolina because of a local law requiring transgender people to use toilets that match their birth gender - - - Mmmmmm!? 
A story from the BBC about  the rise of Buzzards in the UK.  They were wiped out in the early 1900's because game keepers saw them as a threat to young pheasants and grouse, an unfounded concern apparently.  I see a number in the valley where i go logging most days around this time and all through the summer. 
Having done a bit of "work" in the morning yesterday i decided to try and revive an old laptop running Windows Vista.  In its day it was a great machine and i started my book on it all those years ago.  It then developed an annoying crashing habit which i could not get to the bottom of.  It sometimes wouldnt even start back up again so eventually it was put in the bottom of the wardrobe. 
Feeling like a challenge i pulled it out fired it up, eventually, and copied anything remotely worth saving onto a DVD that i now find has the stuff on there but wont let me view it  - - - hey ho 
While watching the penultimate stage of the Tour of the Basque cycle race i kept poking at it with a copy of Peppermint a brilliant lightweight linux OS. Finally i managed to get it to work and the only thing wrong was i couldn't get the right screen resolution on there.  It was like looking at one quarter of your desk top!  Pulling out a copy of Ubuntu 14.0 i levered that on there but the machine kept crashing as it approached the final phase of the install.  In frustration after "disabling" it and removing the hardrive i consigned it to the bin.  Shame really because i fancied it could take over from the free fujitsu laptop i have running the website.  
Anyone out there got an old laptop or desktop machine they dont want ?  
The weather approaching us is coming from the South so we might just squeeze between the two blobs on the netweather rain display  
 just a little cooler once again with the early morning Temp, we managed well into double figure Temps yesterday. Here's hoping for a similar picture today 
the weathercam view is hardly encouraging at the moment but the forecast is very optimistic that we shall be bathed in sunshine this afternoon 
Enjoy the day
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