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Friday 22 April 2016

President Obama wins the Hypocrite of the week award & I just potter around

Another accolade to HM in the Express this morning but shock news that Prince has died after his long bout of mystery flu and having problems with drugs only a few days ago.  We had chance of seeing him at the Sydney Opera house when we were on holiday but thought the prices were expensive - - - maybe we should have bitten the bullet - - - 
The presidents plane had hardly had time to cool its engines off before he managed to poke his nose into the EU Debate with an impassioned "demand" that we stay in Europe.  All the more reason to get out! I can just imagine the USA kowtowing to such a miserable organisation if the boot was on the other foot. - - - This weeks Hypocrite award is solidly in the court of Mr Obama! - - - 
Boris has a point about Obama's urging and more or less tells him where to poke his ideas about us not leaving the EU.  A quote from the article sums it up for me "Barack Obama is coming to tell us to stay in something he, and many of his countrymen would never be part of". - - - 
The Oscar Pistorious trial takes another turn around the block in this story Apparently he is now supposed to have beaten his girlfriend with a cricket bat before shooting her.  This comes as a book called Oscar vs The Truth says that some bruises on Riva's back were "overlooked" by the pathologist! - - - no doubt this will go on and on until Oscar gets sentenced in June. - - - 
there's a big blob of rain out in the Bristol Channel but with the Northerly air flow we have at the moment i don't think we will see any of it today.  The talk in the Met circles is all about how cold its going to get over the weekend and on into next week, lets hope all the new plants and blossom doesn't suffer too much
 The Temp is almost on the mild side this morning and in preparation for the cold weather coming the Bar tendency is downward, the wind is set to strengthen later in the day.
A very grey outlook on the weathercam this morning with it looking like it might rain any minute but the radar display doesn't back that up.  The forecast calls for lots of cloud during the day but little chance of any rain - - - 
After an early morning shopping trip I spent yesterday just pottering around really, I had an idea to look at the book corrections i needed to do after the literary agents work but the sunshine drew me outside for most of the day.  I'll leave that until this bad weather turns up ! 
Sally's first trip out after her viral attack went well and her lunch at The Old Hall Inn with her sister went very well and she is looking forward to getting back onto her usual routine after the illness that laid her low. 
I'll probably give the logging a go this morning, then its off to lunch at our usual venue later on  
Enjoy the day 
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